23 reviews liked by Vibinguphere

All the way back in 2010, me and my brother were gifted a Wii during our first week of school that Fall. I had just started the 5th grade and a week or two prior I had rented and played a chunk of Super Mario Galaxy 2 on my dad's friend's Wii during a beach trip. I absolutely loved what I played of it but after the trip was over, I had to return the game back to the rental store and of course the Wii was not mine, so I craved more. Like I said, my dad gifted us a Wii and with it was Super Mario Galaxy. My brother got the Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs game so it's pretty clear only one of us got a quality title. I was infactuated with this game. I can still remember running home from school, going right to my Wii as I couldn't wait to play it any longer. I'd wake up super early on weekends too just to play more. This and Galaxy 2 were basically the first non-licensed game's I truly loved and I'm very thankful for that as it made me want to play more Nintendo titles afterwards. As you can see I adore this game, let's talk about why!

I think the defining factor as to why people love this game so much (besides the story) is its atmosphere and portrayal of space. Sure, you have more goofy or lighthearted galaxies like Honeyhive or Beach Bowl that wouldn't feel out of place in another game. But a good chunk of the galaxies in this game, as well as the Comet Observatory, just have this really unique emptyness or marvel that really makes you feel like you're in space. Take Space Junk Galaxy for example. It's a very serene and solemn galaxy where most of the setting is literal space with some junk spread throughout just like the name implies and it's very relaxing to go through. A lot of the time I would just go into first person and marvel at the scope of all the planets or just look at the different skyboxes each galaxy has. Even on this playthrough, when I've played this game countless times, I still did this..it just never gets old to me.

As I said, the story is probably the other aspect people love about this game the most. It's still a Mario game so don't expect something mind-blowing but the cutscenes that are here are all great. Be it the beginning cutscene where Mario gets shot at by a magikoopa and gets flung to the starting planet while Peach screams his name, to the ending cutscene where all the Luma's save the entire universe by sacrificing themselves. It's just all so well done. Granted, these cutscenes only really happen at the beginning and end of the game, but it's what's contained in them that matters and it's the single best story in any mainline Mario game hands down. That's not even getting into the optional Rosalina's storybook which is in itself the single best part of the story. It just adds that extra depth to her character and let's you see who she is and how she got there. And even replaying it now, I still teared up...it's that good.

The OST I also think is the single best soundtrack in any Mario game. It has it all, it has catchy songs, it has majestic songs, it has atmospheric songs, it has emotional songs. I love Galaxy 2's OST too but it doesn't top 1 in my opinion and I think that's specifically because 2 doesn't have those emotional/sad songs which I value a bunch nowadays. Those would be A Wish, Sad Girl, and Family. Those last two especially, goddamn dude, I always can't help but get emotional when I hear them. Some other more lighthearted songs I love are Gusty Garden obviously, Melty Molten Galaxy, Buoy Base Galaxy and The Comet Observatory. All in all, an absolutely fantastic soundtrack.

As for the galaxies themselves...they're good! There may be some I'm not the biggest fan of, mostly the beach/bee galaxies and that's mostly because they reuse that theme twice which kinda stinks. But in general the galaxies are quite good even if they're aren't a ton of main one's. In that regard, 2 still does it better because there's way more fun and varied galaxies in that one, but 1 still has some really great levels to play around in. My favorites were Gusty Garden, Buoy Base, Freezeflame, Melty Molten and Space Junk. Special mention to Toy Time too for being so wacky and fun. Though, honestly another small critique I have with the game is the prankster comets. I'm fine with the purple coin ones but for the ones you playthrough your first time through before Bowser, there only being 4 types is kinda lame. 2 fixed this somewhat by adding more types and making it less obvious what it's gonna be but I felt it was worth pointing out. I will also say, people saying the movement in this game sucks I will never get. Is it better than Odyssey's? Definitely not but I still think it's a ton of fun to play around with the gravity. That's just me at least.

So yeah, I know I gave a criticism or two but I still absolutely adore this game and 2 fixes those issues I have and I sort of group them together as one game so it balances each others faults out. It and Galaxy 2 are basically my favorite games ever and I go back and forth on which one I prefer regularly for different reasons so I usually group them together even if both give pretty different gaming experiences. Either way, this game means everything to me and it's a must play for every gamer I think. I love it so much. Anyways, figured I'd go and replay 2 while I'm at it so look for that review soon!

Also forgot to say, I played as Luigi this time around. He's fun to play as even if he is slippery cuz his jumps are much larger. The reward you get for 100%ing both Mario and Luigi is lame as hell though and definitely was improved in 2.

This game is one of the most tedious and annoying games I have ever played. It managed to make playing cards the most unfun thing to do on planet earth. This game asks too much of someone's attention and patience for one of the worst real time actions card game gimmicks I've ever had the displeasure of playing. All of its content is just reused assets and story beats from KH1 but Sora says "erm I don't remember this guys this is so freaking weird!?" I don't think any of the new content is worth actually playing the game for when I can just watch the cutscenes on YouTube since 75% of this games' story is needless and repetitive filler.
There is nothing worthwhile that I get for finishing this game except an achievement on my PSN profile.
Moving on to Kingdom Hearts 2 and never looking back.

Riding off of 358/2 Days, I expected something better as this game is on a handheld with higher fidelity than the DS, but this game took everything I liked and appreciated about Days and took a big ol' horse shit on it.

If I had to describe this game in one word, it'd be "useless."
This game fails at everything it attempts to do. The characters are terrible, by having another trio reflection of Sora, Riku, and Kairi, but with no personality or defining character traits to make them stand out. The first instance of downright terrible writing in the series, with characters being so oblivious to Xehanort's motives that it almost borders on being a satire of the plot of the Star Wars' prequels. And the worst gameplay in the series, with terrible mechanics such as Command Finishers, Command Styles, and Shotlocks, bundled together in an engine that is two steps away from shitting itself.

For a game that is meant to set up the next major story arc in the series, it's the most contrived, convoluted, and boring series of retcons I have ever had the displeasure of experiencing.

A complete masterpiece. This game has one of the best stories told across any media. For a game that came out in 2018 on oldgen it still holds up and looks better than a lot of new games released today. Everything about this game is amazing but where it shines most is its characters, Arthur,Dutch and John to name but a few stand out as some of the best written characters in fiction. This game is a must play for everybody

most boring game I've ever played but when I blow my friend's house up with a Tom and Jerry TNT pressure plate trap it becomes the greatest game of all time.

I dunno how to describe this game other than 2D Minecraft if Mojang wasn’t devoid of any type of competence.

My only gripe with this game is the fact that I took so long to play it after seeing it for years and years but never giving it the time of day because it just looked quite boring—and I was wrong. It is often hard to just pour so much time into one game these days, yet I have managed to do so with this one. Nowhere near as many hours as some addicts out there but I enjoyed my time nonetheless. Eternally grateful for my boy convincing me to play it, and even sharing the journey with me as I plagued him like an enabler putting heroin at his nose hoping he’d relapse—and he did! In all seriousness, very, very fun game. I cannot wait to get absolutely stretched and demolished by the infamous Calamity Mod.

My wallet didn’t deserve what I put it through.

The pre-release for this game was one of the rockiest rides I've ever been on. From a vague CGI reveal trailer to the long wait till that god awful IGN reveal trailer, I probably felt all emotions humanly possible waiting for this game to come out. After Forces, I had almost lost complete faith in this franchise. releasing that game after something like Mania was the greatest fumble I've ever seen in gaming history. It wasn't a good spot for fans, especially since Mania looked like a significant change in how the franchise was being handled. 

After the IGN World premiere, I felt the same feeling I did when Forces dropped. It was over; we were cooked. It wasn't until the demo at Summer Games Fest that everyone would actually get their hands on the game and see for themselves what this game had to offer. I was broke as hell and lazy as fuck, so I didn't go, but the response to the demo on Twitter surprised the hell out of me. To put it bluntly, I was surprised people were saying this game was better than bad; it was great, amazing even, and I just had to take their word for it. I don't think people would lie about liking a Sonic game in the year 2022. I only had witness accounts and terrible-quality phone videos of boost gameplay to go off of, as well as some small gameplay snippets the YouTube channel posted leading up to the game's release. After everything was said and done, the only thing left for me to do was wait for the game to come out. 

When I had the game in my hands, I skipped a class I had that day for the first and only time. I played this game from start to finish twice, once on the Switch (bad) and once on PC (good). On my switch playthrough, I beat that game in 13 hours in one session. I wanted to stop multiple times, but I never actually did. I was hooked on this game, and I loved every bit of it. I liked running around and fighting enemies; it was new and a unique spin on this franchise's formula. The bosses were great, and the soundtrack was phenomenal. and the story wasn't terrible for once; it was actually decent! I saw the light; Sonic was back. Over time, that feeling faded, and my opinions changed, as they should. But there's so much I want to say about this game. 

I don't love this game like I do others like SA1 or Unleashed, but I do have a great deal of respect for Morio Kishimoto, Iizuka, and everyone else who worked on this game. A game like this shouldn't possibly exist in the state it's in. The Sonic Team was in the most unwinnable situation ever. With layoffs for their team, a reduced budget, and strict deadlines up their ass, it looked unwinnable, but they made the game they wanted to make. If Iizuka hadn't negotiated for that extra year of development, then I don't know what would've happened to this franchise; it probably would've sunk, but we don't have to worry about that. 

This game feels like the fresh new gameplay style the series really needed. The series has had multiple gameplay styles before, but I feel like this game has the potential to pave the way for a satisfying middle ground between adventure and boost gameplay in the future. This game has a world design I like to call "McDonald's Play Place.". It's mostly just huge terrain, except that you have tiny, curated spots of platforming segments that reward you for completing them. It's not a bad style at all. I find it fun doing the little platforming sections quickly and moving on to the next in quick succession. The only problems that stood out were during Chaos Island, where you're forced into a 2D camera and get stuck in some challenges by accident. Things like that can get frustrating quickly. The pop-in doesn't do the games any favors either; I'm going to assume the switch port is the main reason why the pop-in is so terrible. I'm of the opinion that the switch port is surprisingly decent, but I still don't think the other ports should suffer because of this one.

Cyberspace is coupled with this game as its second main gameplay style. It's kind of terrible. I can safely say that it's a shallow imitation of good boost level design from before, because it's just reused level design from before. On one hand, yeah, it's terrible, and on the other, deadlines are a bitch, and this was probably the easiest thing they could do. If the controls were half decent, then maybe it wouldn't be so bad, but I'm kind of shocked we got something worse than Sonic's gameplay in Forces. I say kind of terrible because I kind of like how broken and satisfying the air boost is, so that's a plus. Chronos Island has entirely unique level designs for Cyberspace, and they have a good grasp of how to design levels; they just need to be longer than a minute. If they had more time, then maybe their skills would've shown more.

Combat with Sonic is not a bad idea. It's just that this game has more of a stilted and clunky alpha version of a sensible combat system and honestly doesn't feel good to play for me. Kishimoto has stated they thought of DMC combat as a good base for combat, but IMO, I feel like they could do a system more like KH2, where it's very simple on a surface level, but bosses and encounters are built around mastering how to pace yourself in combat and not having complicated combos for the sake of all audiences. All in all, I find myself avoiding all combat unless necessary for the story because it just isn't fun to me. Maybe it will be improved in future outings.

The soundtrack for this game is phenomenal; I understand why it broke the top 10 on Spotify. It deserves all the praise. Tomoya Ohtani continues to prove himself as an amazing composer for the series, and his overwhelming passion shines through his compositions. 

Bosses in this game are the main thing I see people talk about in this game, and for good reason. It's the first time we see Super Sonic used casually throughout a game as a major part of the story. Super Sonic being used in regular boss fights is cool in concept, but due to him being Super Sonic, it makes things hard to balance around. I find these bosses to be great in presentation but bad from a design standpoint. When the worst thing a boss can do is waste your time until you run out of resources, I think you messed up badly. There's no real challenge, but at least it looks cool, I guess. Spectacle can only carry you so far. You need style and substance, not one or the other. I will say, though, that these fights are cool as fuck; I can't hate them.

The story for this game, while not great, is a good change of pace from the self-serious and undercooked plot of Sonic Forces and the laughable embarrassment of a nothingburger that is Sonic Lost World. The subtle writing and dialogue can seem a little corny, like Sonic's constant references to past games, but for once, it feels nice to have some acknowledgement of connected continuity. We haven't had something like that since the adventure era. I'm a sucker for character-focused narratives, and it was awesome to have Sonic and his friends think about old times and reflect on their time together. I'm mixed on Ian Flynn's abilities as a writer, but he did well this time. Sage is an okay addition to the cast. I think it's neat that Eggman has a new member of his cast that isn't an annoying robot. She just needs to spread her wings more in the future.

As an experience, I say it does lose its muster towards the end. Rhea Island and Ouranos Island feel like they were bundled together at the last minute, and the final boss fight against Supreme is terrible and severely disappointing. The end fight in Hard Mode is also terrible. Maybe I don't see the vision because I haven't played Ikaruga, but I didn't think it was a good experience, especially since it was just a reused minigame style. On the topic of minigames, fuck that pinball minigame on Chaos Island that shit never worked properly for me. 

I have to commend Kishimoto and Iizuka for believing in Sonic as much as they do. I believe they echo the same love and passion long-time fans have for the series. Whether you love or hate this game, we can't deny the impact it has had on the franchise. Sonic is doing well for the first time in Japan in a looooooooong time. More heads are turning to the series, and the developers have a vision for the future of this series. We just have to believe in them as much as they believe in Sonic.

Right now, the franchise seems to be doing great (mostly thanks to the success of the movies). Sonic Team is recruiting again, and it looks like it's only going to get better from here.

Let's just hope Sega doesn't screw it up.


FUCK those damn BUGGERS and CLANKERS❗️

— In all seriousness, definitely one of the best co-op multiplayer games of the last decade. Not that we’ve gotten too many of them, but the atmosphere of this game is absolutely unmatched currently. The fact that it can be completely calm one moment, and then the next you’re getting assfucked by a hundred hunters, 10 chargers, and 5 Bile Titans truly cements this game as a complete unbalanced mess; but an incredibly fun one. The spawn rates are absolute hell, but it’s clear that was the intention, and it’s being carried through the gameplay quite well. I’ve never been so simultaneously entertained, terrified, and absolutely angry all at once. Truly the bi-polar experience. 10/10

In terms of story? Best Spider-Man game. Easily. Does it drag out a little mid-game? Sure, but it’s so engaging and truly captivating that you don’t even notice it during the first play-through. Peter may not have the exaggerated swagger of a black teen, but it’s so refreshing to not have to go through Spider-Man backstory number 3,567 and have such a refreshing take on Spider-Man and his story after the dogshit runs that plagued the comics for so long(thankfully, they’re getting better). Yuri’s performance throughout the entire game was absolutely breathtaking, which in my humble opinion, cemented his role as a top voice actor for Spider-Man. The only thing truly holding this game back were the MJ and Miles mission; but I won’t go on about those as I’m sure it’s been driven into your heads many, many times. Truly one of the greatest Spider-Man games.