Extremely underrated Metroidvania. Was a huge fan of the original back in the day, but this one is just better in every aspect. Super tight combat system, fun movement mechanics and a charming world makes this game worth every penny.

Easy to forget how creative and revolutionary this game was back in the day. Future iterations definitely improved and refined the formula, but its appeal is still apparent nowadays.

Very creative puzzle game. Short and sweet.

I think this game was made in a government lab just for me. Had very high expectations for it, and I can honestly say it surpassed them all. This easily goes straight to my top favorite games of all time, and I can only say that we need more games like this.

Glad to see F-ZERO back in such a weird but fun way, but still waiting for a remake of GX.

One of the best designed deck builders I've played. Charming art style, banger soundtrack, and one of the best final bosses I've played recently.
It doesn't get 5 stars because of Witch Episode 4. Fuck you Terry Cavanagh for that level.

Sweet and short Halloween DLC. The Witch episode was super creative, but incredibly hard.

Last DLC of Dicey Dungeons, and a great way to wrap the experience up. Even though RNG obliterated my Robot and Jester runs several times, I had a great time.

I played the original back in the day, and it's lovely to play it again on a modern platform with a fresh coat of paint. It was highly innovative and influential when it was released, and it is still a joy to play today: you can clearly see how it laid all the foundations for sagas like Paper Mario and Mario & Luigi to triumph. Funny dialog, a killer pace, and an absolute masterpiece of a soundtrack. Hope this title motivates Nintendo and Square Enix to make a proper sequel of it. Also, the post-game content was a lovely addition.

Fun demo of an interesting dice-based roguelike. Has all the framework to be quite an engaging game, and can't wait to see the improvements the developers make to the final product. I especially hope they tweak the difficulty (a bit easy) and output randomness (destroyed good runs based on random dice rolls).

This was an extremely fun DLC, and I must say, for being a game not designed from the ground up to be a roguelite, the Splatoon gameplay loop is a great fit for this genre. The sanitized aesthetics and music plus the possibility of making crazy broken builds made this a truly unique Splatoon experience, and I'm super excited to see where the franchise will go next. Doesn't score higher for me just because of Octo Expansion, which still marks the peak of this franchise in my opinion.

Game design really can't get more elegant than this.

Easily the best platformer I've played in years.

It's a short, sweet, and charming indie game. Very simple, so that's why I'm looking forward to playing the sequel to see how the team has improved since this game. Also, it has a Jojo reference, so that automatically improves my rating of it.

Wonderful Metroidvania with some of the best movement I've seen in the genre (special shoutout to the Bash mechanic, what an elegant piece of design). Combining its killer pace and length with incredible visuals, music and a beautiful story, it's nor surprising to see how much this game ahs stuck with people long after its release. I would say that the combat is weakest part of the game, but apparently that got addressed in the sequel so now I'm more excited to try it out.