Listen. I know this game is a Crash Bandicoot rip off. BUT. Goin' Quackers has whimsy and a charm to it. I think as a platformer its alright, but this game has major VIBES. I recommend the N64 version because nostalgia.

Standard metroid-vania type beat. it's very charming, cute, and fun! Although it is VERY short, it has a lot to give.

ToTk is a supreme update from BoTW. The new abilities create boundless creativity and action, allowing for unique ways to travel and battle. The dungeons are fun to traverse through, with cool gargantuan bosses to top it off. This Zelda experience is way different from the standard formula, but I don't think its bad at all.

This game deserved better. It has a lot of soul but the game itself is extremely lack luster. its redeeming quality is that It shines in aesthetic.

I can't believe I didn't play this game when it came out. I absolutely adore this game. This is an absolute BANGER.

This really is a great title. Animations, environments, level design are peak platforming goodness. Absolutely tons of collectables, which allows the game to have superb replay ability. I'd say give it a shot if you haven't played a Kirby game.