Top 10 Games (2024)

1) I played it for the first time this year (release year does not matter)
2) I enjoyed my time playing it (completion/critiques do not matter)
3) I would willingly return to it again sometime in the future

Bonus Points:
The game stayed in my head/I found myself thinking back on it well after I played it

This list is not a ranking of objective quality. I 'lock' this list on the first day of the next year.

The fact that I was as bad at this game as I was, yet had as much fun with it as I did, is a very good sign.
This game just felt really satisfying to beat.
I believe this game is what inspired scientists to make pills that are addictive.
Incredibly charming, and a really well written protagonist.
Great humor, great art, wacky and absurd, all around a good time.
Another very satisfying game to play/complete.
Genuinely I don't know why I feel so compelled to place this game at the top. It's certainly not the 'best' game on this list, and it's got a really annoying loop if you want to 100% it, but the fact that I felt the urge to 100% it in the first place (which I never do) is telling. Something about the way it was presented made me feel something so intense that putting it any lower feels like a disgrace.


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