Amazing. Kirby has made a very successful jump to 3D

Best TMNT game straight out of the gate. The co-op is amazing

One of the best games I have ever played. This is one I will never shut up about and get as many people I know to play it.

An alright generation that is only made easy because you get 2 starter Pokemon.

A solid demo of what is a promising future for the franchise. If the graphics were better, this would be my favorite Pokemon game.

Cool to see 3D models of Pokemon at the time. The mini-games was where the real fun was.

Amazing generation. One of the best video game sequels ever created.

Amazing generation. One of the best video game sequels ever created.

More of what you like and that is totally fine.

One of the most requested sequels of all time and it does in fact live up to the wait. I do like the game being more structured with missions.

Solid remake and re-imagining of generation 1. Would recommend for newcomers of the franchise.

Solid remake and re-imagining of generation 1. Would recommend for newcomers of the franchise.

Lackluster remake of a generation that I was meh on at the time. This should have been made by GameFreak.

This was an ok attempt at a console main-line game, but still very annoyed the map is a straight line. The DLC helps out a lot to elevate the base game.

Masterpiece. Gen 2 is amazing and this was the best way to play it before the remake.