This just needs a remaster. Makes every possible improvement from the 1st game.

Fantastic fun. Wonderful turn for the series

I think this is the best sequel I have ever played. I loved BOTW and this game met and exceeded all my expectations.

High school me was obsessed with this game. He gave up sleep to play this. I think we all should take notes from grown up me and let this game go.

PlayStation needs to bring my man Sly back. This game was a very solid first going for the franchise.

Combat could use more variety in the physical aspect. Cool to just fly around in this world to do quests. Some of the cut-scenes are absolutely beautiful. Other ones are just speech bubbles.

This is so fucking bad. Only play with the cheats on if you must. You know what isn't bad tho? The Cult Popture Podcast. Subscribe and listen to the Bad Boys episode. Please let my pain mean something.

Offensively Bad. Makes you wonder if Silent Hill was ever good

Amazing. Kirby has made a very successful jump to 3D

Amazingly solid sequel to a classic that should be talked about more

One of the best games I have ever played. This is one I will never shut up about and get as many people I know to play it.

Really good bang for your buck. Would have loved a full game from this concept.

Amazing generation. One of the best video game sequels ever created.