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Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is not a masterpiece. I really did enjoy the gameplay and set pieces but ultimately the developer's ideology when it comes to certain segments made me want to turn the game off and stop. Peter's story was fantastic but Miles ultimately had nothing to do with the overall plot and was just there for diversity points. Same applies to a good chunk of the side missions, some are really fun but ones like saying a gay dude out to homecoming and giving a blind lady a robot dog are side missions I wish weren't in the game. And what sucks is that I know they could have done better. Mister Negative did give Miles something to do but he was tossed as a side plot rather a main plot. How I would have fixed this is after dealing with Kraven for a good chunk of the game, give the player the choice of who's campaign you want to play through first. The game is not perfect and I recognize that my idea on how to fix it isn't exactly perfect either. But I still enjoyed the game. I just don't think it was worth the $70 dollar price tag.

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Imma be real, at first I didn't not like this game whatsoever. Before the game came out, I saw the leak and it made me furious and so when the game finally came out, it made me even more angry. I didn't even finish it at first. I got all the way through Ellie's story but quit when I had to play as Abby. And then I shelved the game for about a few months but when I saw it was on sale, I figured I would give it another shot as I didn't own a copy. I was playing the game via a family member's PS4. So I gave it another go and it completely blew me away as it made me talk a walk through Abby and get me to care for her even though she did an action that I couldn't forgive. And when the credits rolled, my opinion on the game had completely changed. I realized that it was a fantastic game and was worth it but ultimately I felt hollow. I had just partaken a cycle of violence throughout the entire game and when I finally forgave the one I thought was the worst side of mankind, I felt as if I was the monster. In the end, I don't hate The Last of Us Part II but I also don't consider it a masterpiece. All I can say is, if you aren't willing to truly understand someone just because they did something that you don't like, then the game just simply wasn't for you.

A lot of my reviews are positive in this case, I have to be negative. I recently played it for the 1st time and is just as bad as the videos from years ago said it was. I can only say I enjoyed 30% of the game. Some of the levels are indeed fun but overall the terrible controls and each character feeling worse than the last have made this one of my least favorite games ever.