I'd like to preface this review with my absolute love of cats. The story for this game is really fun, its not super complex and some of it feels rushed but it was a fun experience.

Completely changed all my musical tastes. Slurpcore in rotation daily.

What can I say, I've been playing it since I was in middle school and yet I keep coming back.

This game got me a lot more into playing guitar. Its not a replacement for learning guitar/bass properly but it can make practice fun if you mix it with proper practice too.

Ui is horrendous and threes WAY too much DLC, but to counter that the modding is fantastic.

This fixed nearly every issue I had with the base game, despite the big difficulty increase I just had so much more fun with this expansion than the base game. I love the guiding lands and seeing all the classic monster again was awesome.

Still had the issue with the cutscenes and multiplayer I mentioned in my review of the base game though.

(I review iceborne separately)

This game was really late to coming out (nearly a year after console release) but I was so hyped for it to come out. The gameplay is such a good take on the monster hunter formula and the graphics look great.

My only complaints with the base game are the amount of enemies and the sometimes really annoying high-rank fights. And probably my biggest complaint of the entirety of world/iceborne has to be the way the game handles cutscenes in multiplayer. So annoying having to go and see a cutscene just to drop out to join with a friend.

This game obsessed me for the solid week and a half I took to play through it. Interesting story, memorable locations. If I had any complaint its just that it can be really confusing to move around it sometimes.

This game was so freaking awesome, I played through it in co-op with a buddy of mine and I think we made every bad decision the whole way.