Suffers from the same level design issues as KoToR. Lots of concrete hallways and lifts. Great worldbuilding, characters, solid plot, and generally great art direction, but a bit of a slog to play when it's not a pivotal story mission.

Loses points over the original for having less mechanical depth, reusing the same boring puzzles and for combat being watered down.

There is more enemy variety but it's still an ultimately boring combat experience, partially because you only ever fight one on one so there is no risk of getting ganked by multiple enemies like the first game (so combat is primarily about parrying than positioning and dodging); and partially because there's also no longer a stun move, so you have two forms of attack rather than three like the first game. An amazing audio visual experience but really disappointed with how bare bones it is, even compared to it's already bare predecessor.

Please do something a bit more interesting to play next Ninja Theory (if Microsoft don't already have you lined up for the chopping block)

Really solid foundation but just overstays it's welcome. Not enough mechanical depth or variance for it to be as long as it is. One of the less egregious examples of Ubisoft-esque open world exploration, but still wears thin after a while. Phenomenal combat, world building, presentation and performances though. Also thought the DLC was quite weak. Hoping whatever Sucker Punch does next is slightly more condensed.

Pretty solid souls-like. Understands the genre well and is fun and challenging while still being fair and respecting the players time (not much corpse running etc.). Very creative world design and a great sense of humour, with a good balance of tone. A bit rough around the edges but I had a great time with this, looking forward to seeing what the devs do next.

I was hoping this would be somewhat better than the first, but its basically the same, and arguably worse.

No super meter, less enemy types, same very blocky level design, the writing is surprisingly worse than the first which was rammed full of 2012 memes, and a boring multiverse plot.

It just feels very stagnant next to the first, but is still a fairly fun few hours, and the visuals are a bit of an upgrade. Maybe I should try playing with friends.

Level design is too blocky and rectangular for my liking, but very fun combat and excellent music and art style. Time to try the second one

Best platformer I've ever played. Huge stepup from the first game in just about every way.