Just a worse Yo Kai Watch Wibble Wobble. If that game was still up in the west. There is literally no reason to play this

I was really excited for this one. I have followed the leaks for months, I love Fortnite, I love lego. It was a match made in heaven.
But I found the game far too grindy and slow. It's just a worse Minecraft (which I'm already not the biggest fan of). There is no Ender Dragon to work towards, there is very little variety in materials and it just feels needlessly grindy and time consuming.

It's graphically very impressive, but the gameplay did not impress at all. I just played until I got the free skin, and I probably won't pick it up again unless it gets a big update

It's a neat little mode, the songs are good. It's polished, but the songs and especially instruments are extremely overpriced. Not to mention the event more expensive battle pass for the mode. Which is a far too big grind.

These things are the main reason this isn't rated higher. It's a fun rhythm game. But the absolutely terrible monetization is a huge factor in my rating. You can buy the songs on iTunes for a quarter of the price they are in this game, and you'll be able to listen to them at any moment instead of only when playing Fortnite.

After playing this game on and off for a year or two, I have finally done all the puzzles the game has to offer, and what a blast it has been.
This is genuinely my favorite puzzle game I've played. The controls are intuitive, the music is pretty damn good, the models you build have a lot of charm and there are hundreds of puzzles, ranging from small ones you can do in a minute, to massive builds that take 20 to 30 minutes to make.
There are even giant builds that you make over the course of about 15 smaller puzzles, ending in those 15 parts being put together and seeing them all as one giant structure.

It has boatloads of charm, hours of content and is one of the 3DS's hidden gems.
My consolations to the Americans, who can't get it anymore after the Eshop's closure, since it never got a physical release in the Americas.

(Played on PS5 (Not an option on Backloggd))

What a blast to play with a friend. When I first bought the game, it was fun. But not much more. But when you play it with a friend, it's an absolute blast. If you know someone who is competent at gaming. Please play it with them, it makes beating hard bosses so much more satisfying. There is no feeling like finally beating a boss you struggled with for a solid hour

I wanted to like this game, but it just felt like a slog after a while. It started brilliantly. There is a world of magic and an infinite war for it's source, a guy lives on the streets in the ghetto gets thrust into the war after it destroys his home. It's a bit basic, but it worked, and was a good introduction to the world.

The concept of the different forms of magic and the movement is great. You have blue magic (medium to long range shots), red magic (close range, shotgun like blast) and green magic (short to medium range SMG/minigun like shots). You can really pick what you like most, and swap on the fly at any time.
Not to mention that the movement is great, you have a double jump, a dash a hover. And your left hand also has abilities, like whip to pull enemies to you, a concussing beam to stun enemies, and a projectile to slow enemies. You have options, but the game gets repetitive really quickly.

During the first proper mission, you start on a massive battlefield. You run through barracks and bunkers and fight invaders. It felt grandiose for an opening level, and made the game look like it would be incredible.
Then you get picked up by some dragon, and now you're in generic forest #1. From now on, you'll just walk though grassy field to grassy field, and fight enemies on your way from story marker to story marker.

I gave it my time, made it to the first real boss fight. But after that, I was just done with the game. The combat was fun, but the stuff in between was mind numbingly boring. Cutscenes usually consist of dialogue with very little happening. And most characters weren't that interesting.

I can see the effort and passion, and I can see this studio going places in the future. But this just wasn't it for me. It started great, but it crawled to a halt just as fast.

I had a lot of fun with this game.
The story was very weak, but the gameplay was great. If you like the norse God of War games, you'll like the combat in this game.
Upgrades actually meant something, with every upgrade giving stuff like new moves or actual noticeable effects. And the game consistently gives new weapons, tools and enemies types to fight. Never making the combat dull.

I also really like how you can reset your upgrades and skill trees, and wish more games allowed you to do this. Skill points are pretty rare, so I really appreciate that you can just get them back if you get an upgrade you end up not liking. Since you likely won't get all abilities in one playthrough.

I have seen a lot of problems with the enemy variety, which I understand. But in my opinion, it's compensated by the weapon and location variety. For a Wild West game, I'm so glad I wasn't just in a desert the entire time. Environments were diverse, lush and kept he game from getting repetitive.
And due to you constantly getting new weapons and new attacks, fighting enemies again didn't feel like a chore. Since you could take them down in a new way almost every time

The game was also a perfect length, where it ends at just the right time, since it ended around the moment where I was hoping for it to wrap up. For it's $50 price, that might be a negative. But it ended at a point where I felt satisfied, but still wanting more. Which is the perfect feeling to end a game in my opinion.

I wouldn't mind a sequel or DLC, which the ending did hint at. But they are going to have to diversify the enemy roster if they did.


Incredibly smooth combat, really well designed levels. And tough but fair challenges.
I did find the game a bit too punishing, and having to replay levels all the time got a bit tiring. But I still found it enjoyable.

The only big gripe I have with the game is it's easy difficulty setting. It gives you more health, and enemies easier attack patterns. Which is fine, the problem is that it also basically removes all the difficulty and strategy from the aging mechanic. With you always aging one year every time you die (basically allowing you to die 51 times, and even being able to de-age yourself by five years at the shrines). I wish there was an in between difficulty with the easier patterns, without sacrificing the aging mechanic that made the game special.

Still, the combat, artstyle and general gameplay is so much fun that in the end that doesn't even matter.

Unbalanced, chaotic, stupid
I love this game. The fact it’s a genuinely good strategy to go on a rampage with your king is just hilarious to me.
This is genuinely a banger

Genuinely one of the best games I have ever played. I laughed, I cried and most importantly: I had fun. The story and characters are extremely engaging. The boss had me on the edge of my couch. I was audibly shocked by how epic some of the fights were. Which I never do. The hype was contagious.
As a massive mythology nerd, I also loved all the realms. They all felt like how I imagined them and am interested what will happen next.

A pretty good game. The graphics are impressive, especially for mobile. The gameplay is fun, and the character design is solid.
It's a little disappointing that it is a gatcha game. But at least you can get your first legendary weapon and an extra character fairly easily. And after getting those, you don't really NEED any other gear. They are a fun addition. But far from to play most of the content

Overall, this is definitely one of the better mobile games I've played in a while, though that doesn't say much, since the gatcha mechanics do bring it down massively.

Honestly. This is far better than it has any right to be.

It's a fun little metroidvania like platformer for the DS. And considering we didn't get any 2D Metroid on the DS. This might be the next best thing. It's definitely no masterpiece. But for a licensed game. This is among the greats

I played this game so much back in the day. I luckily didn't pay any money for it. But this was one my favorite city building games. It sucks that the game was shut down. But I had a fun time with it when it was available. I loved the character design, getting to see your favorite Marvel heroes as teenagers was a neat twist. And leveling them up to slowly unlock their actual suits was a neat concept.

I could see that the devs really cared about the game. And it seemed like a passion project for a lot of people. I also loved the end event. Where you got so much gold and gems that you could practically do anything you want during the last two weeks. Which is something that made me respect the devs even more.

Honestly, I find this game very underrated. The story was great, Aiden was a layered and interesting character. And the story was really well handled. The gunplay was very good as well. And the hacking made the game very unique. And it looks stunning, especially for a 2014 game. In my opinion, it still holds up. And is one of Ubisoft's best games.
I'm going to get a lot of hate for saying this, but I think I actually slightly prefer this game over GTA V.

It’s like Crash Bandicoot, if it was easy. It’s good for a tie in game. But nothing exceptional. The platforming can be a bit janky. But it is a massive improvement over the shitshow that was Madagascar 1 on DS

You can play as Moto Moto. So that makes the game a 10/10