281 reviews liked by Wboy2006

I went into this game mostly blind and it was a very fun ride.
I had heard very little about this game besides it not having a huge reception at launch, so I didn't much pay attention until it recently came to PS+

I had fun with mutliple aspects of it, the visuals are very creative and the world and it's set pieces very memorable and unique, the story is goofy more often than not with a looot of "Marvel" writing bits, but actually original plot twists and world rules.
The combat is fun albeit a tad repetitive but in the run time of the game it never starts to feel like a bother, plus the clear inspirations from Doctor Strange type magic leads to a very fun fantasy combat loop.

It is worth a try, but the biggest down point is the full price, the game shines the most when you feel like you only paid for a AA experience.

How did UBISOFT put out one of the most densely fun and mechanically interesting Metroidvanias that I've ever played? This game is a gem from start to finish and only gets more impressive as you progress farther into it.

It taught me to love a genre. How could I not love it?

I can’t believe that we’re in 2024 and Ubisoft actually made a great videogame. Just kidding (or am I?)
The game is fun. I know that doesn’t sound like a great deal. But I mean is really, really fun to play. The combat is good, there is a decent variety of enemies, which make it fun to fight them. The character is amazing to control. Specially once you learn the main abilities (like double jump, the slide though the air, etc). The scenarios are full of secrets, chests, coins, etc. I’ll be honest, I didn’t care at all about the lore and texts about collectibles. I just picked them up and kept playing.
Visually, the game looks very well made. I played in on the Nintendo Switch and the graphics and textures can look a bit odd from time to time. For what I saw, on PC, Xbox and Playstation, the game looks a lot better. Apart from the graphics, the general style of the game is cool. Maybe not very original, but it looks good. Although I didn’t like the UI and menu elements.
The game has a few options to personalize the difficulty of different aspects, which is great if you are the kind of player that, sometimes, want a lower challenge. I won’t lie, sometimes I do. And I did use some of those settings in moments where I just wanted to move forward and I didn’t wanna spend another 20 tries on the same boss.
I liked the music in some key moments of the game. The general audio effects are very good, specially the background noises in the different environments. The voice acting is okay, nothing to complain or stand out about it.
I’ll be honest, I didn’t care at all about the story. It’s not bad, but I just didn’t care. I don’t think the story is the strongest point of the game: for me, it was just an excuse to play this really fun game and go from one side of the map to the other, fighting everything that moves in the middle. And that’s perfectly fine to me.
I don’t know if this is an issue only present on the Switch, but I found a but annoying having so many loading screens. I don’t know if the PC/Xbox/Playstation versions also have so many black screens. It’s not a deal breaker, but after a while, it can be annoying. Specially considering that the game has a fast gameplay (which is great) that makes you want to keep playing it fluidly.
I think this game doesn’t invent anything new for the genre, but it takes what works for this type of games and combines it all very well.
I don’t know if I will play this game again in the future, but maybe I’ll keep playing it a few more hours just to complete parts of the map that I didn’t go to during my playtrough.

It was a nice concept, however there are too many dialogues and game is overall slow. You have to finish many quests to unlock some items. I just wanted to get in the game and play it like a sandbox. However, that's on me, just like Kratos said: "Keep your expectations low boy, and you'll never be disappointed."
I might try the 2nd game tho

They catfished me with Moxxi into playing this DLC.
I thought that maybe it would be more fun with other players but I was wrong. Literally put me to sleep. Just skip this DLC, will you?

Superhot VR is proof that VR is good for more than just porn. Its a must play and definitely the most fun I've had with the system so far.

The main game was fun, and to this date is the rarest and possibly hardest platinum I have. But after playing this, I can't imagine ever wanting to go back. It translates so well to VR its incredible. Dodging bullets in slow mo is both the coolest thing ever and also a great workout. Your enjoyment with this is probably gonna vary a lot with how much space you have and how active you are. You can beat this game stationary pretty fine, but it is at its absolute most fun when you are diving behind cover yourself or dropping to the floor like wannabe Max Payne.

The game is a bit short and can be beaten under two hours, but for an early VR game thats not really a big deal. Any longer might have overstayed its welcome. Plus if you want more out of it, completing the main missions unlocks quite a few modes, namely endless and alternate takes on the main campaign with harder challenges like one life or headshots only - so theres quite a lot to get out of this.

The game can be quite hard, and having to restart a level completely if you die can be frustrating. You'll be moving around a lot in this and might find yourself having to recenter when you jump to a new section a lot which led to a handful of deaths but ultimately is the only real negative I have about this. I do wish they added more campaigns or levels but as is I can't recommend it enough

Nancymeter - 90/100
Game Completion #110 of 2022
August Completion #30

New Release Review:
Hi-Fi Rush was a wonderful surprise and probably the most unique game I’ve played in a long time. I played and finished the game in 8 hours because I was so focused on Hi-Fi Rush’s rhythm-based combat. To explain the combat, I’ll do a quick explanation of its story which is something that feels like a cartoon show that would be played on a Saturday morning. Not only does it act like a cartoon, but the art of Hi-Fi Rush also takes inspiration from other art styles such as comic books and anime during specific segments. In Hi-Fi Rush you play an inspiring rockstar, Chai, who goes through a cybernetic surgery that accidentally merges his music player to his heart. With his heart now being the music player, everything in the world around him goes to the beat of his music and because of this, he is now labeled as a defect by the corporation responsible for his surgery. With the power of friendship, Chai and the friends that he gains along the way must defeat this evil corporation to the beat of the music.
Now with the world going along to the beat of the music, that means Chai and the player must defeat enemies and time combos to the beat of whatever song is playing. While this might sound difficult, the combat and timing are quite easy and fun. Even if you manage to not hit enemies on the beat, it is still balanced so that you can still do damage and is still fun. Of course, you can level up your abilities so that certain abilities do even more damage on and off the beat. If you’re like me and are tone deaf you might have a hard time hearing the beat, but thankfully not only is there a bar in the UI to help you find the beat, but the world around you literally goes to the beat. Enemies walk and swing on the beat, lights, and doors go to the beat, and so on. At one point you might learn the rhythm and will find yourself tapping your foot or nodding your head causing you to get better level by level.
While I did have fun, there were 2 issues I had during my 8 hours. The game can get very repetitive, and this is because of the level's very formulaic design. When going through each level, you mainly do 2 things, which are platforming and fighting. While there are some minor puzzles and some collectibles it doesn't help change the formula. This might start to affect a player but only near the 3rd quarter of the game, which is either good or bad because it might stop someone from actually finishing it. If we ever see a second game I hope they change up the level formulas so that it stays interesting all the way through, but thankfully for such a unique game, it might not affect a player.
Hi-Fi Rush may have a formulaic level design which causes it to get a little repetitive, the game's cheesy Saturday morning cartoon art style help give life to a game that could've easily failed if not done correctly. Being able to fight enemies to the literal beat of the game's amazing soundtrack, the player can feel like a rockstar, which brings something new to the rhythm-based genre. If a second game does ever gets announced, I will be excited about what Tango Gameworks will bring to the table and hope they give us the show of a lifetime. In the end, I’d give Hi-Fi Rush an 8/10.

What started as a curiosity buy might just end up being one of the big hidden gems of 2024 for me
The game is oozing with a captivating style and energy, the movement and techniques you unlock on your travels make for some incredibly fun traversal and delightfully tricky platforming, the combat is delightfully satisfying when you start learning all the little intricacies and crazy techniques you can pull all wrapped together by some incredible boss fights that are a delightful sight to behold.

Admittedly my one criticism is that all this greatness (at least on Switch) seems to struggle with its performance. Had many instances of frame rate dips, animation glitches, even a couple crashes and soft locks. But if you can look past those occasional hiccups and are looking for something to scratch that metroidvania itch… I cannot reccommend this game enough

Congrats PoP… you’ve found a new fan in me!

Medal System
broken medal - 0.5 or 1 star - technical disaster or bad design
bronze medal - 1.5 or 2 star or 2.5 star - the games not for me/below average
silver medal - 3 star or 3.5 star - doing well
golden medal - 4 star - above average games
plation medal - 4.5 star - might've masterpiece but somethings missing
diamond medal - 5 star - The Masterpiece or just special for me
---> Games Medal: Broken medal
---> My Game time: 2h 37m (%100)

Bad and boring kids game that i only played for gamerscore.