Capcom is getting some of their credit back with this new generation of Resident Evils but they're pushing their luck. This was a great remodeling of what people love from 4 and there were some great scary bits (the dollhouse literally scared me), however the plot left a lot to be imagined and the promotion really played into Lady Dimitrescu even though shes only in the first section.

I'm a sucker for media that makes us question what makes someone/something human and did I bawl like a bitch during this game, absolutely. It can get a bit heavy handed at times but it does masterfully mess with the uncanny valley, but I'm unsure that its intentional

From Soft does it again with a fabulous open world, compelling story and crisp combat system.

I've never played the original God of War choosing to join in the "rebooted" version, the game is fine, the combat is fun to master and the world is fascinating but the plot boils down to your standard "Dad coming to terms with being a parent to magical child" that is becoming overdone

I don't consume a lot of Star Wars content, but this is the first game that has kept me riveted since the KOTOR duo back on the OG Xbox. The combat is fun to master and flows excellently and the characters are layered and complex.

The Gimmicks are Cute and the game is fun, but Very heavy handed with the message that it makes it hard to enjoy the subversion of a trope when its crammed down your throat.

This is the first mario I've played that isn't just your standard Mario and it was a spectacle and romp to remember.

I can not give any Atlus title that is a re-release with an extra dungeon 5 stars, but finding a way to improve Persona 5 and making it a tighter experience earns some respect

Cute retro farming game that never lets you feel like you have nothing to do

I love me a philisophical game that doesn't care if you want a happy ending, rather focusing on telling you a compelling story where people will do whatever it takes for the person they love. My main complaint is that there isn't more of it, and that I can't listen to Song of the Ancients without my heart breaking

I hope that the pokemon company takes to heart that this was an excellent step in the right direction to keep pokemon from becoming stale but as many first attempts there are a lot of ways that this could be improved. Clunky boss fights, hit or miss groups of pokemon and the never ending threat of getting your ass handed to you by an angry snorlax definitely makes it a game to remember, for better or ill

Devil Trigger is a bop and I will die on this hill, and of course the gameplay was gonna kick ass its platnium games after all but the "twist" was lazy, and whatever the "multiplayer" was was a dumb failure. Like cool someone else is playing the same level, who fucking cares

Tour de force that appeals to the fans of the old game, newcommers to final fantasy 7 and fans of the franchise as a whole

One of the pillars of the Persona games, as I get older the struggles the teens go through get more uncomfortable but it jogged and opened the door for the Persona Spin offs. Also Marie is mid, I said it.

Battle mechanics: smooth
Story: who fucking knows
World Choices: Some of the best in the series (Minus Atlantica because fuck that noise)