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AlexDiesTwice completed AI: The Somnium Files - Nirvana Initiative
While I'm giving this the same score as the first game, the previous title is better in my eyes. The QTE scenes and somnia were a bit more fun in this one but the general plotline is far weaker than before. There was something to be worked on here that might have been expanded or could be expanded in a sequel but there are some head scratching decisions in this one such as:

-Ignoring the events of the first game for the most part and undoing some of the character development.
-Some of the new characters, like Ryuki, land like a wet fart with no personality even when some of the new ones are great, like Tama.
-There's almost a lack of urgency from a weaker villain that's barely present in the plot alongside the jumbled way of telling the story.

I had a good time, but this really seems like a sequel the creators didn't want to make and was done for the sake of popular demand.

1 hr ago

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14 hrs ago

17 hrs ago

parrottb414 finished Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom
A 3D platformer without a jump button is a really neat idea in concept… luckily in practice it was also very engaging! You drive around as the titular Yellow Taxi launching yourself off ramps and cliffs to collect as many green gears as you can to keep unlocking new stages. It definitely has the collectathon feel, each stage is full of the important progression collectables as well as some optional or less important ones so it always feels like you are making progress (though sometimes it can be a bit obtuse). There are even levels that add in a Crazy Taxi like mechanic where you are on the clock and need to drive people around to raise the time you have in the stage, all while finding the collectibles. Sometimes the game is a bit too lofty in its ideas and the controls/camera can’t hold up but all in all it’s a really solid unique game in the genre.

17 hrs ago

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