31 reviews liked by Wilkaoo



Imagine if your friends played the game you like: part 2.

I'm incapable of getting good at this game.

It's not a genre I like, but it's really impressive how much physics and interactions you can have with the environment.

As always, stay hydrated.

Imagine if your friends played the game you like.

Aesthetically wonderful, immersive OST, and a full deep and complex storyline not made for those weak to reading what is beyond of the text.

Did you think i was not going to use the catch phrase? F#$% OFF

A filler quest simulator with an amazing ending and spectacular charismatic protagonist, it is really a crisis in the core.

Play it only if you played the original FFVII, not the remake, or some very important plot moments from the original will be spoiled for you.

O jogo é ótimo,mas poderia ser melhor se não fosse a ganância dos devs,o jogo do é bem mais difícil do que o primeiro,tem fases que extremamente difíceis, principalmente as que vem depois do zumbao, alguns mundo são difíceis mesmo antes disso, como o do pantano Jurassico e a praia boa onda. Recomendo muito mas jogue uma versão antiga,a atual é bem ruim e tem conteúdo cortado.

3 years since i first step foot on Atlus' biggest franchise... 3 years since i started my demon summoning addiction and throw away stupid pokemons and edgied myself to the true monster catcher game...

Pretty good art style, amazing atmosphere, GINZA THEME, and a very japanese political background from 90s.

I mean yeah, it's a good game for when it launched, the precursor of an entire genre and an entire universe, until it finally became a pretty waifu simulator we all love so much.

An amazing game that i can't bring myself to like.

I was so excited to play it but i think i was not made to like CRPGs. My mixed feelings about Divinity Original Sin 1 and Disco Elysium should have been a clear sign. I always play games trying to make the best playthrough possible, and thats not how a game like BG3 works. You will fail, you will lose quests, people will die, and so on. I pressed F8 more than any other keybind. There are almost infinite ways of playing and the game wants you to replay again and again.

The first 10 hours were enjoyable, but my interest steadily decreased. Eventually, I lost the motivation to explore and progress, to the point where I stopped reading and carefully selecting options.

Perhaps, someday, playing with friends and adopting a less perfectionist playstyle i can try again. For now, the 26 hours I spent playing made me wish I was doing anything else.

A sea of good and pretty ideas, but it lacks the substance to surpass even the most generic JRPG out there.

The game is undeniably visually stunning. I'm not a fan of the character portraits, but there are so many other issues to dislike that I simply overlooked them. The entire map, both in dungeons and the open world, is breathtaking. Unfortunately, it doesn't live up to the open-world experience it attempts to portray; it's much more linear than you might expect. The story is overly linear, with minimal side content.

The story is disappointing. It doesn't start off well, and you may hope it improves as the game progresses, but it doesn't. The protagonists lack charisma, the rest of the party is uninteresting, and the pacing is terrible. You'll spend nearly 10 hours with only three party members, and about two hours to finishing the game you add another one? What the hell?

Another aspect I strongly dislike is the need to include cameos from The Messenger. A significant part of this game revolves around references, playing songs, and "epic moments" that you won't understand if you haven't played their previous game. Sea of Stars isn't supposed to be The Messenger 2 (or in this case, 0), but it still deviates from the main story to make references...

The combat system starts off interesting, but after just five battles, it becomes repetitive and, above all, boring. Many bosses and regular enemies are damage sponges, and nothing is genuinely challenging. You'll find yourself using the same two skills and basic attacks for an extended period until you finally unlock more than 1 ultimate attack in the very end of the game. The combos are most useless because every normal enemy will die before you even get 1 of it.

In reality, there isn't much to discuss about Sea of Stars. I haven't played Chrono Trigger yet, but you can't create a game purely for nostalgia. If that's what you're after, you should consider playing Chained Echoes instead, which appears to be far superior to this game in what it attempts, and fails to achieve.

Tentando buscar um objetivo que molde a rede de nonsense, decido chegar em todos os finais. Tal ato me força a rejogar cada cenário algumas vezes, repetição de seu onirismo calcificando uma bizarra escultura em minha cabeça, revelando modesta clareza - um flash epilético por vez. Michael Jackson, Death Grips; o destino do universo. Um dos finais era um pouco complicado e busquei guias na internet, o único que achei disponível só em mandarim - a tradução bizarra e perdida parecia uma extensão da experiência. Efeitos explosivos que me assustavam e botavam pra rir logo depois. Depois que terminei, tive que ir visitar Michael Jackson uma última vez. Não há nada como ele por aí.


AI: The Somnium Files was one of the few games that made me almost touch the ground with my jaw and left my head burning wild. I thought nirvanA Initiative was gonna be good too, but hoo boy, i was not expecting that.

How can someone write this many amazing characters and still do it again? They are made to seen like a anime cliche and boom in your face with spectacular development.

The somniums are far better, far more options. I think there is a bit too much of them to uncover some basic things, but who cares, MORE SOMNIUMS! The new VR Investigation is a great addition, even if they were a little too simple and straight forward.

On the first game, the biggest point for me was Date and Aiba relationship, and now i have 2 of these, Ryuki and Tama, and Mizuki and Aiba. Different types of interactions, but amazing both.

And the plot? Haha, get out of here if you want to read my impressions of the plot. Just like the first game, play blind. You have been warned.

Kinda shame the game reutilizes a lot of things like locations and soundtrack from the first, but it doesn't bother so i let it pass (menu theme is so good). And the combat scenes this time are better, still has issues, but is far better. I am starting to think this is part of the charm of the game.

What can i say more of this game besides one of the best gems i found recently in gaming? I don't know if is gonna have a third title or not, but i will be there to play and be mind blown again.

My first Yakuza game, i was expecting great things and it gave my 10 times that.

Yakuza 0 is such a rollercoaster of emotions and craziness that I can't get here and not write a great review about it. I love my boys Kiryu and Majima. I love doing sub-stories and side content for hours and hours. I love grinding like a mobile game in my real estate and cabaret. I just love it all.

Therefore, instead of reading reviews, go all out and play it, i swear to you, it's definitely one hell of a game.

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