Truly the first strand type game


This is my second replay, cool Game, great use of touch screen, have my favorite Remixes of the series and my favorites endless games but I really don't recommend this one if you want to get started with this franchise, it will kick your balls

Eh, it was good not as great as the trilogy but I get why it turned into an "underrated gem", feels like those really good Half-Life expansions.
Some parts were annoying, parts that are just a walking simulator, and, boy, I sure love hearing heavy breathing. None of the characters seems interesting but I get it why for this type of game. The Music is probably one of my favorite parts of this game. Overall good game :)

An enjoyable adventure, a massive improvement over the first two

Its was.. okay... super grindy but had a fun time with it

That sure was the first Dragon Quest alright

Probably on my top 3 final fantasy, really good

Ambitious ... way too much ambitious for its time not fun

To be fair, if I was going to make a videogame I probably imagine myself making this type of game