Cool idea to make an "endless" King's Field style of dungeon crawler. However I fear in being procedurally generated to this extent, it may have traded quality for quantity to a level that makes the game less interesting.

An interesting spin on turn-based tactics. I think the thing that makes me not want to return is how it approaches difficulty. To clear later levels, I am doing tedious micro-managing that doesn't gel well with the thematic framing.

In John Wick Hex it is easy to do badly, difficult to do well. The "John Wick" part of this framing makes me feel it should be easy to do well, but then difficult to do extremely well. If in development instead of framing the difficulty as "did you beat that guy and mange to take minimal damage with your current focus?", it was phrased "how many of those guys did you beat with your current focus?", we would have gotten something more fun.

Having a xx% hit chance against regular goons in a John Wick game, just feels wrong.

I think this might be the best Killzone game? But I'm not going to get my Vita out of storage to finish it. I would honestly love to someday see a port, or even a much larger sequel.

Enjoyed it for a while years ago. But now we live in a world with Neon White. So I will probs just go back to that or CS surf maps instead if I ever get the first person platformer itch.

If I ever am in the situation of showing someone "no for real! Clive Barker put his name on a video game!", I would just show them Undying.

I hesitate moving this from shelved to abandoned. Assault Spy (from what I remember) is very well made. It scratched an itch I needed desperately needed when it came out in early access early 2018. However a year later when I found out it went to 1.0, was the same time a little game named Devil May Cry 5 was releasing.

Maybe someday we will return to a dark age where "Action Games (Good)" stop being made, and I return to Assault Spy to finish it. Sadly I hope that day never comes. If an Assault Spy 2 is ever released, I will buy it day one out of penance.

Fun, but if I ever get the urge to play again, it will probably be one of the more fleshed out sequels.

Product of it's Time™
Did you know less than 2 years prior, San Andreas (the best GTA) came out? Time sure is weird. I swear I'll play through Saint's Row 2 one of these days.

I know it's not fair at all, but thanks to the passage of time I now live in a world where Neon White is one of my favourite games. I don't think I will ever return to this.

I own a weird Airwing controller peripheral thanks to this game. A neat gaming curio that isn't enough for me to return to this game.

Since playing this I did play and enjoy my first Ace Combat (aka Armored Core with jets), so that's something?

I would need to suddenly enjoy Star Wars more, or have an easier way to play this game, to ever finish it.

I have 20 minutes played in January 2014. I remember it being neat, and the soundtrack being nice with it?

Beautiful art, solid gameplay, I just don't see myself coming back to finish it unless a 2nd player pulls me to.

Vaguely remember this being a solid RPG in the vein of PS2-era Persona? I think I was 70% through the game and having a fine time. No shot I'm returning to and finishing it after 7+ years.

Like 95% of beat 'em ups, it's fine? I would only come back to finish it as a MP experience.