Game is good, I am dumb. (Won solitaire though!)

Armored Core with planes is still kino as fuck.

Played briefly as a child, over two decades later it still holds up as one of the GOATs

Rating at Launch: 2/5
With updates to game performance, map balance, and reintroducing the class system. Now just over a year after launch, 2042 is now a solid Battlefield that I will play casually.

Neat short thing (assuming student project?). Would say 2/5 for presentation slightly elevating what is otherwise a short and sweet twin-stick game.
However game crashed on a boss fight (I assume), crashing the game and corrupting the (short 15 minutes of game) save file.

Played for the first time since launch the last couple of nights. Actually has come together a lot since then! A very neat co-op roguelike that was kneecapped by marketing comparisons to L4D.

A character-action rhythm game, oozing with style and all the QoL features these action rhythm games have needed for a LONG time.
Easily the best game Tango Gameworks has made so far.

Update from Nov 15th 2023
Finished 1.0, got what was labelled the "true ending", but I know there is still more to discover. But yeah, my original thoughts still hold up, I would highly recommend Lunacid!

Original Post from Jan 11th 2023
In my eight hour playtime, I have had multiple moments where I have said to myself "Maybe [insert silly solution here] might work?" with little to no confidence. To then immediately call myself a Gamer God Genius™ when it totally actually worked.

So much cool stuff going on in this game, and I want to detail none of it. Lunacid is walking the fine line of wearing all its influences on its sleeve, while also being its own thing. Going into the game knowing any more than "inspired by King's Field/Shadow Tower " is too much.

Not only is Lunacid a strong and easy recommendation to everyone who has touched any FromSoftware game (or game inspired by one) in the last 30 years. But also I would recommend Lunacid to anyone even mildly interested in the look of it.

Currently the game is still early access (Sep 2022 Castle Update), which means I would normally not score it yet and tell people to wait for a 1.0 release. But with the level of quality already on display, Lunacid would have to shit in my bed and infect my PC with malware for me to lower my 5 star score at a later date. (Also the games full price is $10 AUD, that's like only $3 real dollars!)

Was a great game for the 18 months I played it.
Crazy a company just decided that we don't get to play it anymore.

Thought it had it moments.

Then late in the game during a boss fight, the boss jokes about deleting your safe file. Immediately after this, my save ended up in a hardlock state where I cannot progress.