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chandler commented on chandler's list games i've written about on neocities
entire site has been completely redone from the ground up, sparing only existing images and writing. i used to have a complete nightmare of a time updating pages and adding new ones - now everything's nice and uniform. you can even look at it on your phone! wow!

7 hrs ago

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1 day ago

1 day ago

doodclaw backloggd Hi-Fi Rush

1 day ago

1 day ago

chandler commented on pronounspronouns's review of Half-Life 2
i have a homework assignment for you

2 days ago

chandler commented on pronounspronouns's review of Half-Life 2
@nowitsreyntime17 what do you think of half life 2 anyway? curious since i haven't seen many of your shooter takes

2 days ago

chandler commented on pronounspronouns's review of Half-Life 2
I recommend this to everyone. This blog fixed my broken marriage and my kids are now working top degrees at their jobs. Thank you, PronounsPronouns!

2 days ago

2 days ago

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