Log Status






Time Played

100h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

August 26, 2019

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


Three Houses is a phenomenal Fire Emblem game that proves the series has finally found what is best after it's revival with Awakening. The simpler (compared to Awakening and Fates) item/weapon system that began with Echoes has evolved and feels like a best-of-both-worlds, meeting in the middle to appease newer and veteran fans alike. The story is solid and is backed up by some fantastic anime-style cutscenes that the series has become known for, and memorable plot twists. The gameplay was just as fun to me as Echoes and arouses the complete addiction that I find comes with the wonderful strategy gameplay of the series. The soundtrack also comes with some of the banger-est of bangers the series has ever seen, complimenting the overall great level design.

Three Houses above all else is just a great Fire Emblem game, and is exactly the direction that the series should be going.