Crazy how there probably won’t be another pokemon as good as this.

I'm generally not a fan of visual novels but from the first trailer I saw I was totally hooked on the premise, and the game itself did not disappoint. The voice of the stubborn is my favourite character

A very fun, albeit short Sifu-like game with charming characters and art direction, and a silly story. The game wants you to feel like cunning swordswomen outwitting your foes by utilizing your surroundings and I think it accomplishes that quite well. I love the goofy bickering between the guards and the lightheartedness of everything.

My biggest complaint would have to be that it's too short to fully utilize the gameplay they crafted. While I loved every bit of my playthrough, I wish there was a bit more of pretty much everything; enemy variety, more moves for the player, and more chapters. Even so, this game is still a blast to play and I loved every bit of what was there

As someone who really doesn't have any nostalgia for 64 era collect-a-thons, this game holds up very well on it's own merits. It's really short, and REALLY easy but at it's $3 price point its hard to be upset with the length of the game and with its very tight and satisfying movement its still very engaging despite the difficulty.

Although I don't know if anyone else feels this way but I get a really unsettling, eerie feeling from this games atmosphere. I feel like if I die in the game I'm going to like, disappear and show up dead a few days later.

A very fun and charming roguelike. I liked the challenge and the skulls offered a variety of playstyles that I enjoyed trying

Replayed this game from my childhood and and it aged like fine wine. Whenever I play a gen 5 game it reinvigorates my love of pokemon

Easily one of the best metroidvania's that i've played. The combat is great, the platforming and movement feels amazing and they nailed the map design, I never felt like I was lost in my 20ish hours of playtime. As an added bonus I thought the story was pretty good overall!

HOWEVER despite my praises this game very clearly needed more time in the oven to fix some bugs, jank, and they seemingly ran out of time and couldn't finish one of the bosses (she is just said to be dead in the final cutscene).

That being said none of the bugs or jank actually interfered with my enjoyment, And despite the boss thing I would highly recommend this game to anyone who is a fan of the metroidvania genre, just about everything in the game is top notch.