im a moron and even i was able to beat this game, never in my life have my fingers reached for the ZR and ZL buttons on my pro controller more than i have in this game. even then the game for the most part was easy aside from the final chapter. that last chapter was total horse shit, i spent an hour and a half on it at least. overall this game was cool but wow do i need a break. cant wait to play sacred stones!

only slightly better than the first game, don't understand why people dick ride this series

i was bored out of my mind playing this game

the first maybe 4 acts are manageable but act 5 & 6 are complete horseshit. fun if you have a rewind feature like on switch online

breath of the wild permanently changed me as a person and what i like in video games and can whole heartedly say that this is a worthy sequel

i thought it was really good. only 2 and 3's base games are better but FR is better than all the other xenoblade games

a breath of fresh air for kirby, i greatly enjoyed playing this game

i beat this game in like 3 hours holy moly its short

gameplay heavily carries this game as for the most part i did not much care for the story. interesting things will happen and then they just wont capitalize on it. story was a 5/10, gameplay was a 7/10. if you want a strategy rpg with 10/10 gameplay pick up xcom 2

zombies is actually fire. hate is over the top

def one of the weaker titles but not 9 and 10 level

this game was way better than i thought it would be considering all the hate.