Holds up to the original game in so many ways, Im due to replay it at some point to appreciate it as much as I do the original

Earlygame is a bit of a slog, but it does top out with some of the better areas and fights in the series, just doesnt have the same draw or appeal as its brothers around it

Holds up to 2 in most every way (outside of writing) great movement and loot systems as well as a plethora of options for those who love completion objectives, its a great time

As polarizing as the fanbase may seem at times this game really has been steadily improving over the years

Game takes a well established series and tries to branch out and make a name for itself, was pretty revolutionary for its time, looking back its still a decent time but its not by any means a masterpiece
Completion experience is ass

Genuinely the best rhythm game (VSRG) experience on the market as of this moment

The best in the subgenre by a landslide, with enough content to keep you content for well over 100 hours, DLC cant come sooner

Its a lot of fun and then capra demon and then a lot more fun, holds up very well even if its latter half is a bit gimmickey

Its like almost a really good souls game, but a few blunders with the ways it tries to mix up the fundamental mechanics keep it from hitting as high of highs

Multiplayer experience and completion experience are dogshit but the game on its own is a very strong start to the series

Very rarely does this game have dedicated drop pools, its mostly just loot rolling, good for one playthrough but its not on the same level as the others

Please god make a new spyro game like this please Im on my hands and knees begging please