Listen I am all for short games, but when I am able to beat all difficulties (and see all the levels) in 4 hours it's too short. Especially for a retail title. The game itself is fun but there wasn't a lot of game to play.

Everytime you see an overpriced game or cosmetic, just remember Toree 3D is a dollar


I love my silly little photography games

Fun game, but the backtracking is not great


It came free with your fucking Xbox

An RPG where you have no party customization and neither of your leads can talk. Fundamentally misunderstands the genre.

Genuinely one of the best platform fighters ever made, but it will never get its flowers because the first game was that underwhelming (also some weird roster choices). Slime meter is one of the best mechanics added to the formula.

A prototype for the best game ever made is still pretty good

This review would have been longer, but the writer was sacrificed again to move the plot along. She'll be back in five minutes I'm sure.

"This fucking sucks actually," literally the coolest thing ever in video game form. Not all of it's ideas stick the landing, but the sword is super fun.

Interesting puzzle design and great visuals

It's okay, but the later games that use buttons rather than touch control are much better.

The engine is just way too slow. If you have to play generation 4, just play Platinum

One of the worst games Nintendo has ever produced, with combat design that encourages the player to skip it.