"This fucking sucks actually," literally the coolest thing ever in video game form. Not all of it's ideas stick the landing, but the sword is super fun.

This game is nearly perfect but my bestie got scared of the water and now they won't play with me :(

On a casual level, this is one of the greatest fighting games ever made, but its mechanics and character balance make it boring competitively.

Fantastic game for the first two sections, but the final few levels are way too linear.

This game is super funny but also you could just watch this on Youtube and get the same experience.

One of the worst games Nintendo has ever produced, with combat design that encourages the player to skip it.

One of the most boring games of all time. There are next to no new ideas here, it's just Mario 1 but way harder.

The best platformer on the console by far.

This game has a myriad of problems (English dub, field skills, and so on). But the good parts are so good that it's still a 10/10.

Gameplay is fine, monetization is horrible and seeps into everything. Genuinely feels like a mobile game. Maybe they will fix it, but they seem to be out of tricks to keep players invested.

This game makes me question everything I have ever been taught but in a good way

Unironically one of my favorite Mario games. It just has that spunk and wacky vibe that the series has mostly forgotten

One of the most consistently good games of all time. Nothing here feels bloated, lacking, or annoying. Great story, looks great for the hardware, fantastic soundtrack, fun battle systems... just go play it lmao

Still good, but a lot of it's level gimmicks slow it down considerably compared to the first game.

This review would have been longer, but the writer was sacrificed again to move the plot along. She'll be back in five minutes I'm sure.