Would be a 5/5 if Sora got shoes that fit correctly

This game has a myriad of problems (English dub, field skills, and so on). But the good parts are so good that it's still a 10/10.

Fantastic, but has a lot of smaller issues that make the world of Pikmin feel less special. Enemies not respawning, infinite time, and the amount of captains to rescue make PNF-404 somehow feel more artificial despite looking better than ever.

One of the most consistently good games of all time. Nothing here feels bloated, lacking, or annoying. Great story, looks great for the hardware, fantastic soundtrack, fun battle systems... just go play it lmao

This game just feels super old and bots are in every lobby. Feels more like an economy than a game people still play in 2024

This game is nearly perfect but my bestie got scared of the water and now they won't play with me :(

The PVP experience as of June 2024 is honestly really good, and the side modes every season + hero mastery give a lot to do most of the time. But Blizzard's horrible communication, the cancellation of PVE, and the deletion of OW1 leaves it cursed regardless of its quality.

Fantastic game for the first two sections, but the final few levels are way too linear.

On a casual level, this is one of the greatest fighting games ever made, but its mechanics and character balance make it boring competitively.