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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
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Kingdom Hearts II
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Coming from Bethesda, the creator of one of my favorite games of all time - Starfield was a dreadfully lackluster and disappointing experience that I couldn't bring myself to get very far into it even just for the sake of it. This game made me feel more more frustrated and and bored than entertained. A feeling that only worsened as I got further into the game and realised that it really was as lacking as it appeared. The only good thing about it was that it was on Game Pass, because if I had spent money on it I would've felt more than just disappointed.

This game missed so hard that I've actually started questioning if the next games from Bethesda will follow the same fate, which I never ever would've considered before now. I fear for their future and sincerely hope they learn from this, but judging by their own comments, I don't count on it.

Luckily, Skyrim which is now 13 years old still holds up. So there's that at least...

Live. Laugh. Love Speedy Eggbert.