This game changed my life and me realize the most optimal way to be happy is to watch impractical joker complications in abandoned buildings

Thank you modest mouse for making a game to fit 83% of your discography, i cried

Soild divorce game and mario fight was fun


let any nostalgia speak for your opinon on this game because holy shit this game fuckinf sucks

I didnt understand how to play this game 😭

This game should serve as every first date

A game 50000 beyond our time

Sonic + knights that is the most badass thing since bruno mars playing with the red hot chilli peppers, or my flappy bird review


At what started as a evil satan spawn of a game became a very very very addictive beat em up that contains a grandeur flow that is slower than your batmans, but more complex.

The challenge mode is amazing post game content that can keep you enganged for a while

I think id be more into souls games if they gave me nunchucks and cheesy one liners everh 20 seconds

A " exaggerated swagger of a young bruce lee " kind of game

The ultimate madam web of video games

The worlds worst best video game, not enjoying this game is akin to not being entertained by try not to laugh videos from 2011

Give this game 13 pizzas

Amazing, so damn fun and holy shit i love vector for the ipod touch, and anuthing even close to doing a jump from one rooftop to another gets an instant 9/10 unless it has zombies u can be more creative than that

Lore wise its like muse level of fuck the goverment vibes, and characters range from homless bird man to less homeless man???

Amazing game with flaws i could give care less abt cause the motion blur makes the game look cool and u can run and jump like im smosh assians creed : D

I am not really into persona anymore, ive had my dabble and like generic ass persona phase but I still play this one

I think that is because ive come the conclusion for a few things

1. I dont really even like persona for the story or gameplay rpg wise

2. I love the music throughout all the games

I am a huge huge huge rhythm game fan who can hardly spell the word rythm right so put two and two together, and you have what i legit think is the best persona games

Except persona 5 dancing, for some reasons that one just has like god awful remixes, its okay thou 3 has so many bangers and i will never actually play it

I assume anyone who doesnt like parappa 2 looks like that doodlebob mf from spongebob

In my opinion, the most fun story and characters ever created, and also ost wise is perfection

Def better mechanicly than parappa one and has a diff charm!

Like a game that can easily be the backbone of your entire personality

Please play this game it will do grinch heart grow 10x size type shit

The coloring mechanic of the game is so fun and implores creativity which also perfectly fits into the ENTIRE theme of the game

As finji games usually do, the writing is perfect, charming, and can make you ball your eyes out!!!!!!

I would draw big red Xs on all the people i didnt like, which according to google, and my family is a indication of becoming a future psychopath

I do love Vib ribbon for its gameplay for sure, and its normal ost is so damn perfect at encaplating the feeling of being in the same void the graphed audio lines of vibri live in. Its desolate and beautiful and creepy all at the same time

Also you can burn free bird on a cd and play it on this game, so its also 300 light years ahead of us