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(Current playthrough is on Critical Mode.)

KH2FM takes everything that worked in KH1, builds upon that, then goes even further beyond.
Movement feels great, primarily at the end game when you have growth abilities like Aerial Dodge and Glide. The reeled back camera and less claustrophobic level design also really helps make movement feel less constricted. This is best seen in FM's Cavern of Remembrance with its expansive rooms that make full use of Sora's endgame movement.
Combat gives the player so many options, even when fighting solo with one single drive form (Limit) and one limit (Trinity). KH2 gets so much right about combat its hard to put into words for me.
Visually the game is stunning and still holds up really well in 2022. The stylization and look of the game clicks so well for me. My favorite worlds visually are likely Twilight Town with how homely it looks and Timeless River with how everything is changed to mimic the old Steamboat Willie cartoons.

Highly recommend this game for anyone looking for a very well made action JRPG.

Yakuza 4, while it improves on some parts of 3, also suffers from issues of its own.

The story is okay, but it only really started piecing together for me at the Tanimura part.

Combat wise the game goes like this for me:
Akiyama: Funny kick man.
Saejima: Slow charged attacks that aren't very fun to be honest.
Tanimura: Good for one on one, but not very good against groups of enemies without something like a bicycle. Despite this, Tanimura's part of the final fight sequence has you fighting Jingu 2.0 against multiple enemies at once.
Kiryu: Same as 3.

Graphics wise, the game looks about as good as Y3. The pause menu though is very janky and hard to get used to though. Akiyama is cute though.

Overall, Yakuza 4 is alright. Had my fun, but like Y3, I don't see myself coming back to it much.

Yakuza 3 is okay.

The story is really good and the game has well written characters, and the Morning Glory Orphanage portions are some nice slice of life parts, but the game definitely suffers from First Game Syndrome.
One of the bigger examples of that to me is the Karaoke minigame's UI. It looks really dated and tacky to be honest, and can be hard to actually see the inputs to make at times.

Combat is good, although some enemies block TOO much. I'm fine with enemies blocking my attacks, but from my memory there were a few times when I had to cheese when the enemy was getting up to deal damage. It's enjoyable, albeit also a bit frustrating at times.

Graphics wise I can give it the benefit of the doubt of it being the first Older Old Engine game, but even then the game still looks pretty decent. While Kamorucho looks a bit meh, Okinawa (mostly the beach portion) looks great.

Overall, Y3 is a pretty okay game. Had my fun but not my favorite and I don't see myself coming back to it anytime soon.