fight is such a stupid name
i would have named the robot something cool like T. Rex

spent 15 minutes crying at a jingle when you pick up razor and lipstick

no way mickey fuck minnie big head ass the lions fuck dick in this game sora two bit rate voice ass nomura ruined the series ass ass

if timesplitters was a movie cortez would be played by the rock

the segment on the moon was definitely the peak of the game. aside from that i couldnt stop staring at robins highly defined pixel ass

this game is about the main character trying to reunite with his brainwashed lover while the whiniest guy in the world voices for the evil monkey

im glad i live in a time where we can fully embrace the idea of having cephalopods in major movie roles

they got gummo in this game i love that song

thank god they got rid of those fucking ropes

sonia ass when climbing the rope is crazy i cum

this game is really good and i think every suda fan should play it! the story is fantastic and the gameplay is great! since there is no official fan translation patch for the game, here are the resources i used in order to experience it.

- this game has zero tutorial, and if you dont know what you are doing its impossible. luckily here is a thread that tells you how to play:

- there is this awesome translation thread by "shadowmaster" which i used to follow along with the story. most of the translation is solid, and to me i got a great sense on what the story was trying to say:
