A fine game with a lot of effort behind it with some bad design decisions mixed in.
I really love 2D Metal Gear, which is probably why this game fell a little short for me. While I love some parts of this game, others really drag down the experience in my opinion. It all works, it all functions quite fine, some parts just overstay their welcome a little. Personally I think this game could have done with some pruning. My first playthrough took around 9 hours and I think about 3 of those could have been cut out entirely.

I felt that the cutscenes in this game dragged on for way too long and the dialogue itself, while funny in places, was nothing to write home about. It's very much self aware, this is played for laughs multiple times but if I'm being honest it started to annoy me in the last 2 to 3 hours of the game and I could never really get invested in the story. Which seems like a problem to me, because there is just so much of it. There's obviously a gag about Metal Gear having long cutscenes in here, but personally I think it falls completley flat. Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake for the MSX has a lot of dialogue but not nearly the amount this game has. MG2 is also around 5 hours shorter. But let's pretend the comparison is not invited and judge it on it's own merits.

The gameplay is a mixed bag for me aswell. Movement is very smooth and fun, the shooting works just fine and I really liked the inventory system. That being said I have mixed feelings about the stealth mechanics. Some sightlines seemed a little undercooked for me. Getting caught is usually either a game over or a healing item tax. There's no chase, no hide and seek. The level design rarely allows you too outwit the AI by finding a clever hiding spot or simply lose them in the corridors. There are items and weapons which can help you take out guards, however there are no items which help you to hide from them. Due to this every room becomes a simple game of "How was this room designed to be beaten?". During my first and sadly only playthrough I felt that the game offered very little in terms of player expression and creativity. Everytime I thought I outsmarted the game a text box appeared and told me: "Sorry, you can't do that yet." Lastly I thought that the leveling system felt completley tacked on.

I really wanted to love this game. But I'm afraid it's just gonna be that one playthrough for me. There isn't much reason to revisit it as far as I'm concerned.
Still if you are into 2D Metal Gear, I'd give it a look.

A love letter to old school survival horror games. While sometimes clumsy in structure and execution, I still think this is one fans of the genre should give a playthrough or two. You'll have to put up with the awful writing though. If the subpar voice acting and the complete obliviousness of the main character is trying to harken back to RE1, it missed the mark for me personally. It's not offensive though and there isn't too much of it so it doesn't really retract from the experience. I bet the devs learned a lot from this one, can't wait for their next game.

Crazy underrated expansion. It's funny how this expac has two of the worst patches to ever go live and at the same time two of the best patches to ever go live.

I have waited over 10 years for this game to come out.
To be able to say that I was not disappointed is probably the biggest compliment I can give this game. Suda and his Crew at Grasshopper actually pulled it off.
My expectations were thoroughly exceeded. I find it important to mention that this game does not try to imitate the first game nor replace it. I got the feeling that Suda realised that the original is untouchable. So he and his team opted to make a game which celebrated the series rather than try to recapture the lightning in a bottle that was No More Heroes.
This game is honestly a technical mess. But it's the good kind of technical mess. You can really feel the passion and love that was poured into this project. The technical issues feel like they exist due to budget and time constraints rather than a lack of skill. So the exact the opposite of a Bethesda game.
But enough words, start the game.

This game is offensive to me.
It embodies what the first 4 games incessantly made fun of. It's a safe, perfectly marketable piece of software which challenges nothing and nobody in any way shape or form. This game has nothing to say, no question to ask, it's meticulously designed to be as profitable as possible and nothing more.
This clip right here has never been more topical:

Just play the originals, honestly the only thing this game has on the older games is that it plays just a tad smoother. That's it.

High brow concepts and themes delivered through low brow media. Sign me up.

This game suddenly turns into lovecraftian horror, I honestly had no idea that was a thing. It's quite the trip I'll say that.

It feels like this game was suppose to be a MMORPG at some point.
I'd love to sing it's praises but I'm afraid this game just didn't speak to me at all. I feel that theres a strange amount of effort put into this game, so just ripping it apart would be cruel. However at the end of the day gameplay is king for me personally and this game just underperforms hard in that aspect.
The gameplay is bland, repetitive and shallow as a puddle. Nothing too offensive but also nothing special, it takes a lot of aspects from popular games at the time and implements them at random. Perfectly complementing the movie I might add.
A game like this hurts the most because I really think it could have been amazing.

This game has Z-targeting. That should clue you in on the level of survival horror present in this game.

I can't believe Konami put this game out. It was still the wild west of videogames man.
This game explores themes which are still considered too mature for most forms of media, in 2001 no less!
A milestone for storytelling and atmosphere in videogames, true classic.

This game is probably worse than 2.5 stars but man I can't give less than that. The gameplay is nothing to write home about, neither are the graphics honestly, although I think the models of the digimon look pretty good.
This game is all about presentation and music. The visuals of the attacks, the supers, the final boss and his stage. The music dude, the fucking score is so good, what is it with digimon and amazing sountracks. The rendition of biggest dreamer in this game is so amazing, honestly please listen to it, plays at the perfect time too.
No need to pick this game up but you won't regret a little listen to the OST.

So here I am, growing older all the time,
Looking older all the time,
but Tony Hawk is still good babeeeyyyyy

The Any% speedrun category is a fantastic meme. 10/10 would run again.

Amazing take on Warlock. Absolute blast with a couple of friends.