martin scorsese absolute cinema

the game kiryu becomes a gooner

the most innovative and greatest piece of human artistic expression


Games are great but i dont know if i would say its all that good of a remaster, overall feels more like a port to modern hardware. I go on all night about the quality of life features they could've adapted into all 3 games

This is literally a perfect video game. You just chose to not like it. We are not the same

Imagine if the atmosphere of a game immersed you in more than the real world. Imagine if the soundtrack of a game gave you more peace than the real world. Imagine if the world of a game made you spend months and years without you noticing. If you've thought about it, you've probably guessed that there is no such game. Because garfield gets real is an experience, not a game. And I don't think it's possible to put into words this amazing experience. This experience cannot be acquired by reading, listening or watching from others; it must be acquired by going into it, witnessing every second of it, living in it itself. It's an experience like sitting by the warm fire on the coldest night, like finding a sip of water as you die of thirst in the middle of the desert. It cannot be understood by someone else's narration, but only by living and feeling oneself. With its huge universe, beautiful music, fascinating atmosphere and epic script... This is the greatest gift for us from the team which made this game, whom I bow before with respect and gratitute. Garfield gets real, which still manages to compete with today's games visually, can be easily named as one the best ever.

I think this is a great improvement over the main campaign in splatoon 2.

They expanded upon the variety of things you can do with ink dramatically. In alot of levels you feel like you're doing something new. This is in contrast to Splatoon 2, where I felt at times I just doing the same thing..

Another thing I really appreciated they improved upon from Splatoon 2 was that you had the freedom to not need to do every level in an area to progress to the next. I think this really improved my experience with the game as incase I wasn't enjoying a level i could just switch to something else.
Basically, Splatoon 2 felt like a 3 course meal where I had to finish each dish before progressing onto the next (even if i thought it tasted badly.) While 3 was an all you can eat Buffet In which I could eat whatever I enjoyed.

Oh yeah also what a great finale, I hope we see more dungeon sequences like that going forward into the next game.

I would say it was all around the same as Splatoon 2 but 50 percent of the time when I would try loading into a match, the message: "A communication error has occured" would appear. I have a good internet connection and on any other console have no problems playing online games meaning it's simply Nintendo's fault for making such a bad online service. I want to give this game a 4 but that is forcing me to bring it down to a 3.5.