This is a spirital successor to 2 (My favourite in the series) in so many ways, and while I ultimately prefer 2, the wait for this one was well worth it, I want more of it and I'm sad that it's over. There are some minor issues I have with the game, like the bosses being absolute jokes for the most part and autolocking can take a hike, but when the biggest issue I have is wanting more of it then thats a generally good sign. Thats not to say this is a short game, with all the side content and going for perfect medals in its challenges, this is a meaty game with a lot to do, and yet I still want more of it!

I hope the best for more Pikmin, I love this series and finally seeing this release is frankly like watching a miracle.

Also please keep up the trend of Louie being the worst.

Despite getting the culprit correct, I felt super underwhelmed by the ending. It has it's cham and it's a cute little game, but I have never felt so bummed being right about a mystery before. Will try the other two games and see if I have more positive opinions, just the case solving aspect of this case solving game was a little lackluster. Undeniably charming, but charm only goes so far.

I am a straight man, this was not a game made for me and I am aware of that fact. I watched my girlfriend play it and that was the fun part for me, watching her give very loud reactions to it and the choices made to a virtual failman babygirl make me worry for my personal future.

The arts really good, musics good but I'd prefer more variety as it does start to loop very quickly. Writings funny and enjoyable, and it's free so if you are a person who you think this would appeal to, get it idiot, fuck that twinky man, go now! the steam page is right there!!!!


For a prologue to the Phantom Pain and sequel to peace walker, It carrys on the story of Big Boss exceptionally well, this is one of the darkest games in the metal gear series and it is HARSH.

The biggest issue is its length, it is a short game if you don't plan on doing all the bonus objectives and side missions, and the story is only really in the tapes and main mission. This has faded with time, the game practically being bundled with Phantom Pain and generally being far cheaper now than at launch. For a vertical slice of Phantom Pain, it does it's job wonderfully, this gameplay is clean as hell. Also, still looks absolutely stunning, visually the cutscenes are immaculate and in gameplay the base is wonderfully realised, lots of small details scattered around with multiple routes through the mission.

While this is a glorified tech demo/prolouge, it is damn good and I'm glad now we're not in the launch window with it's absolutely absurd original pricetag, this can be admired for the quality it is.

They really did play us like a damn fiddle.

This game has the story you expect from Metal Gear, following my favourite protagonist in the series Big Boss, and from that perspective, this game is great. The story is well written and presented with some great developments on the ideas started in Snake Eater and fleshing out Big Bosses character. Kaz is great and a lot of the supporting cast are really good additions. Strangelove, Huey and most the antagonists are a joy to watch throughout. I love this game for the story it tells and how well it tells it. Also it’s art and music are stunning, Heavens Divide and Love Deterrence are bangers.

So why the 6/10?

This game is miserable to play, this has not stood the test of time and the only excuse it has is "It's a PSP game".
Missions are tedious without the in-depth detail that makes metal gear as a series so beloved, the gameplay feels more stripped down than MGS1 sometimes and the repetitive nature of missions really wears down any want to keep playing for long periods.

The mission-based structure for the game makes a certain amount of sense, this was a game designed to be played in shorter bursts with side missions to occupy time. Issue is most side missions are the exact same as one another without much reason to want to do them, aside from levelling up mother base. And the process of levelling up mother base isn't that fun either, you have to spend absurd amount of time to get anywhere with it and unless you want to dedicate A LOT of time to peace walker, you need to engage with these systems to unlock further content in not only post-game but main game as well. I will admit right now I didn't spend the time doing all the side content to unlock the final chapter because by the time I finished the "final" mission, I was mentally checked out. I cheated to get what was necessary to unlock the final final missions, imagining myself going through all that effort made me consider how much time I'd be wasting on a game I wasn't having fun playing would drive me insane.

Minor changes to the gameplay like not being able to crawl or the game not stopping while you select items become massive burdens as you feel restricted constantly in your abilities, while I can understand some changes was made to make this multiplayer (A feature I never used), it makes the singleplayer experience feel awful. The gunplay is never as reliable as you want it to be, the features to try and remedy this like auto aim and aim assist barely function as intended and CQC is just not satisfying as it should be to pull off. This makes stealth in a stealth game feel kinda awful and at some point the most optimal way to get through most missions was to run past everything quickly.

The boss fights, in no uncertain terms, are my least favourite part of the game. They are designed like raid bosses, with absurd amounts of health. A boss can take anywhere up to 10-20 minutes on average which doesn't sound bad, until any death during the mission sends you all the way back to the beginning of this tedious process of shooting at weak spots and waiting for a opening while dodging predictable attack patterns. There wasn't a single boss fight I wanted to go back to, which is tragic in what’s the easiest game to replay boss fights in. Every single boss being a massive hunk of metal isn't as cool as the game thinks it is, it makes them all equally forgettable and uninteresting.

This is a great metal gear story trapped behind what feels like the most archaic gameplay the series has ever seen, which should never be something a metal gear game is described as. I will love this games story in my heart and just never touch it as a game ever again.
Until next time, Peace. V


What a cute little DS, I wonder what it's main themes are...

A wonderfully creative little platformer/puzzle game. There's so many really well designed puzzles that really test your out of the box thinking. It can be a bit hard to accurately platform at times and some puzzle solutions aren't the most clear even when knowing the solution, but despite that this is worth the short amount of time it takes to finish.

Very conflicted on certain aspects on this game, I overall enjoy the game, just I think it has some of Kodaka's best and worst aspects on display.

This will be light on spoilers as possible but still, warning In case you care for plot points and characters being named.

To start with positives:
I really like the overarching mystery of the game, the "Secret of Kanai Ward" is another grand twist he loves doing with any game he makes, and I think aside from V3, this is the most it's ever landed well for me.
The major antagonist of this game is my favourite he's written, Kodaka has perfected a certain genre of character, and this was another great execution.
The supporting cast is generally quite fun, a lot of the main detective group grew on me throughout the game and I am looking forward to most of their DLC episodes to spend more time with them. Viva and Hallara are particularly my standouts.
Cases 2 and 4 are particularly strongly written murder mystery cases, how their crimes was thought out and executed was really impressive thought out.
Yuma and Shinigami are a fun duo to follow, I like their chemistry and how they interact through most the game.
The art direction and world design is really inspired, the neo-noir aesthetics are wonderfully executed. Rui Komatsuzaki did really great with their signature style of art and how its adapted to 3D is generally quite good.
The great soundtrack by Masafumi Takada. The music in this game goes for a different vibe from Danganronpa and it's full of bangers.
This game has a lot of neat references to other murder mysteries and feels like a love letter to shin honkaku murder mystery, some are more subtle than others but I can tell this was a product of love for the genre.
The English voice acting is consistently excellent, I don't have any performance that never feels like they're not trying.

For my negatives:
The mystery labyrinth feels fundamentally flawed from a narrative and gameplay standpoint. A lot of ideas and mechanics get added to be dropped or never mentioned again, the most annoying being found in the prologue, but that'd be delving into spoilers for that case. The rules to the labyrinth aren't very consistent and feels "Random for the sake of it".
A lot of gameplay segments aren't as fun as most of the mini games from Danganronpa. The most fun is the Argument Death battle and those are just Nonstop Debates with a lot less going on mechanically and logically. This game felt generally easier than every Danganronpa game in terms of mystery solving and playing. Failing never feels like it's a actual tangible possibility. Also for the love of god Kodaka please let go of "Hang Man Gambit" brother that just isn't ever going to be fun.
The side stories are mostly bad, when I saw they had a different writer for them, it made a lot of sense. They are really shallow at the best of times and actively irritating at worst. Ideas will just be introduced to never be brought up again and it feels like "We have Yakuza Substories at home". There are 3 I do enjoy but that’s 1/4 of them being good.
Case 3 is a low point in terms of the game because it feels like half assed filler, nothing introduced in the case ever really becomes important and the mystery itself falls apart as soon as one detail is introduced. It's the only case I'd consider "bad".
I hate Desuko, Desuko is the worst genre of guy Kodaka keeps insisting on writing. The creepy, pervy, wants to shag all women type who is just gross. It doesn't help he is not just implied to be, but is just a pedo. Please stop writing this kind of character Kodaka.
This game has technical errors constantly, thankfully nothing game breaking, but for a game designed for only one console it doesn't feel optimised for it. Pop in is a constant issue with the environment, audio has weird leaps in being louder than was probably intended, anytime the camera would switch perspective it would cut everything to black for a brief moment. It's nothing that is detrimental but can feel really cheap.

This is a good game, I enjoy it for what It is, but it's not close to the best Kodaka can do as a writer. DR2 and V3 are still much better experiences in my opinion, but I hope he sticks with this world and characters. He has something special and I pray he does more with it.

I think about the steam review "It's only fun if your friends are funny" a lot, I don't think I've ever seen such a self report of a review in my life. Thats a different kind of skill issue, a new breed.

This is me flexing the fact I think me and my friends are very funny yes sue me.

This review is purely based on the game itself, the incident this game is widely known for is not relevant to any discussion of my opinions on this game.

I should also preface I am not somebody who, to my own knowledge, experiences depression. If this game is accurate to the lived experience of others is not my place to comment. I can only speak for my feelings and experiences. With two prefaces out the way, I feel comfortable saying this game really polarises me.

There are moments where I stared at the screen in silence realising other people in my life or I myself have done some of the behaviour shown in this game, and that mirror reflecting back at me chilled me a lot. Knowing that it is a experience that isn't just isolated to just me and the people I know felt almost revealing in a way. Knowing that other people are out there to share in experiences as sad as these is a reason for art to exist, to share in emotion and experiences that are uniquely human.

That being said, for every moment I felt like my own life experience was seen, a lot of others felt very ham-fisted, there was a lot of moments I thought could have been handled better, and the major issue I have is the game part of this game.

This having multiple endings, there being a "True" ending, feels wrong. No matter what, I feel the experience is cheapened knowing there is a "right way" to be playing it. You can ignore this fact and only play it once, the experience you got, and I think if I did that I would of been more positive towards the game However, knowing that there is other, better endings, it becomes a active effort to ignore that information when privy to it. It was my fault I went through the effort of getting these endings to see how they're handled.

I am not a fan at all with how the "correct" options to get to some of these endings feel really wrong. Lying to please people being one that stuck out as really strange to me. It feels like what you yourself might view as healthier or more productive choices aren't the ones the game thinks are correct, and that just doesn't sit right with me. But this is heavily subjective, you might think all the choices made to reaching this "True" ending are sound and entirely logical. I will still have issue with the fact it exists at all.

While this game will stick with me really personally in regards to moments that struck at my core and made me consider myself and others more, I can't say it was a flawless execution.

I'm happy this game exists for those it helped, and if it helped you, that is a testament to the power of games and art.

I waited for when the servers got fixed and as much as I want to say my nostalgia for this game holds up, It really doesn't. It kinda pains me to think a game I enjoyed a lot, given another chance to play it, isn't as fun as I remembered it being.

To all the fans happy that it's back, I pray for longevity for you. Just I kinda wish I let memories remain memories.

A short story given minor interactive elements, the short story itself? Quite good, nothing that got me overly emotional but I can see myself liking the other works of the creator in future.

I got the Amelia Watson voice pack a few years ago because that is how propaganda tends to work, and I have never opened the game again since getting it.

This is one of the most accidentally funniest games I've ever played, I got in a call with a group of friends, played through it and had the time of our lives. This is garbage, but I cannot forget how much fun it was watching how insane this was. God has graced you with the ability to pepper spray people at complete random, you better use it.

The only reason I know it exists is because of a artical reviewing ace attorney compared it to this, which is one of the strangest comparisons potentally ever made.

It's cute if a little basic. The puzzles are fine, nothing amazingly interesting but it's serviceable. A lot of its charm comes from it's character writing, for as little time we get to spend with these characters they are quite endearing. I can see these characters being used in a D&D setting and being fun to interact with. The art for the characters are really well done and have a lot of personality. Also, consistently quite funny, the more subtle than usual reference to Ace Attorney didn't pass by me.

It was cute, I enjoyed it and would hope the developer the best in future endevours.