This is one of the few games lately that’s been able to hold my attention, a solid story with amazing character development for investment in the games boss. This game always fulfils the nostalgia of playing Spider-Man 2 back on the ps1! I could swing for hours and not get bored. A lot of collectibles and things to do I don’t know why I waited 2 years to finally play it!

It's a pretty lightweight game, blasted through with a friend pretty quick, unlikely to touch it again though

I put a lot of time into this game like 15 years ago and I still keep it on my current computer for when I play it for like a week a year

I really enjoyed just spending time with my boys. Boys support boys and this game epitomises that. Everything else story wise is a bit generic, but my love for the boys makes up for it

In uni I put more than 1000 hours into this game, having it running while I did coursework. It's awful but I get suckered into watching the numbers go up in these kinds of games

This MMO definitely really got better over time and I'm a slut for lore so I'll keep coming back when I have nothing else to play. Really solid now, despite a horrific start

Smashed it in a day and never touched it again, bit of a let down. Comic was alright though.

The nemesis system is pretty cool, but it's repetitive and I can't look past the fact that it can't be canon because of the Doom of Man principle which is ignored for the premise to work.

Of course I 100% this game, don't judge me. The puzzle bits are actually fun

it's like eh as a game to play but the story is really important for games as whole in terms to telling strong stories. It's a strong case for games as an art form but also the subject of scrutiny for "the illusion of choice" in games. Definitely a game that should be played through once.

Wasted too much of my life on this game, love it

This couple hour experience had me so invested, a heartfelt story that I cried like an absolute baby at when I got to the end

Really solid and a good improvement on OG sun and moon, by no means a top tier Pokemon game but I admire them trying to mix up the formula even if only a little

This game is very flawed and of its time but it’s brought me so much joy, it’s a 5 star for me and I will defend it until I die

This is the best car game don’t @ me