Decent little kart racing game. It doesn’t do anything extraordinarily well but it has a good amount of charm to it.

Gravel provides a very straightforward and lean racing experience. There are no vehicle upgrades, or even visible vehicle stats for that matter. You simply pick an event and race. This is somewhat refreshing though, as it makes racing the main focus.

One thing that Gravel really nailed is the variety of locales that you’ll race at. One event will have you racing under the northern lights in Iceland, while another will have you tearing along the coastline in Namibia. This makes what would otherwise be a repetitive experience fairly engaging.

I think I would’ve enjoyed it a little more if the characters didn’t look like Funko Pops.

This is a very refreshing entry within a genre that has gotten terribly stale lately. I can’t remember the last time I played a shooter which required me to coordinate with my teammates to win.

My favorite part about this game is the absence of that despondent, hopeless feeling that occurs when you’re getting stomped in other shooters. Game modes like Quick Cash keep you engaged because you always feel like you’re one well-executed push away from securing the cashout and winning.

A Forza-branded candy crush game? Is nothing sacred anymore?

I have negative rhythm but it’s still a decently fun experience with friends.

A wise man (Cardale Jones) once said- “Why should we have to go to class if we came here to play FOOTBALL, we ain’t come to play SCHOOL, classes are POINTLESS.”

Dubu is an absolute brick wall of an individual.

Why does this mobile game have more depth than Madden’s franchise mode?

Cycling through the same 3 answers over and over again is a foolproof strategy.

I would simply take a different route if my GPS told me to take Zombie Highway.

The core gameplay loop, customization, and art style all worked for me. With that being said, NFS needs to drop the whole “oppressed street racer” shtick that permeated this game. There is quite the disconnect when the characters are monologuing about how unfair the cops are while I barrel into a civilian’s car at 120 MPH.

Mike Vick’s Game of the Year without a doubt.

Donkey Kong looks like Jimmy Neutron when you use him in the Tread Carefully minigame and I think that’s notable.