263 Reviews liked by Zingus



The culmination of indie horror rpgs.
For real, I don't think I will be able to play any other one after this.

Omori is pretty well written and while it evokes older simpler games, I think it conveys really well its themes, and makes it an especially emotional journey through character dialog and exposition of Omori's (here I'm refering to the character) mental state. There is also a lot of symbolism and little details to be found.

Its cute (but also creepy when needed) art style sets really well the mood. It also helps explore the relationships between the main characters through animations, interactions in the combat system and the recurring photo albums throughout the game.
The soundtrack is also amazing, and complements well the art style.

The combat system may be its weakest part, since it isn't especially challenging or interesting in comparison to other rpgs (excluding its usage in non-conventional ways).
Still it doesn't get old, thanks to the group dynamics and emotion mechanics, and the cute enemy designs that keep it fresh (the art comes back to the rescue!). The 'Foe Facts!' book also helps, rewarding the player with some commentary about the enemies from the main characters.

Overall I think is a pretty well rounded game, and I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys horror rpgs.

"wtf how did i miss that" simulator



one of my favourite RPGs and just one of my favourite video games in general of all time. The game excels with the art and story (though it can get boring and some parts just seem like filler, especially in the later parts of the Headspace segments) Ending Sentence





it was pretty good, good storytelling all around





this game is so fucking air-tight it's insane that it was made in the 90's.

to beat the game you must defeat me, john romero.

this is just doom 2016 but good

"Peak fiction" doesn't even begin to describe it

Set the standard for gaming for the next decade and thats a bad thing

YIIK at such a low score?!?! You gotta be YIIKing me! You're out of your YIIKing mind!

beat the final boss, still haven't used any of my rune arcs because what if I need them later

Geroge RR Martin is my favorite indie dev