literally the greatest platform fighter to ever exist - so much tech


i forgot i played this game 3 years ago - it was kind of a fever dream experience which I think influenced the rest of my dreams for a long time ; honestly though, i think this game is really cool presentation-wise and narratively. it's got a really interesting world and it'd be cool to see more of it

the king of roguelike, ain't nobody doin it better than nuclear throne baby

words can't describe how perfect this game is

its fun but i dont wanna admit it

shit goes so hard bro, its like snorting dopamine

This game will actively filter you in the beginning but once you can get past that, you will find an incredibly beautiful and compelling world

A solid roguelike that has a surprising amount of story content hidden beneath its gameplay.

genuinely so funny and fun, there's even a roguelike mode

actually quite compelling, gameplay-wise and story-wise

i did not like the sex parts tho

Everything about this game is beautiful and interesting but the gameplay is such a filter its crazy

can't even recall how many times I replayed this as a kid (at least 3), quintessential Pokemon game

peak nonsense game which is also a solid jrpg !!!