peak pixel art indie game, dude i wish the world looked like this

idk why this just didnt hit as hard as ds3, sekiro or bloodborne

playing this on the projector in my class made me feel like I was at EVO

peak indie experience

game that plays and presents itself perfectly

this game is so funny, i swear i will finish this one day

havent finished it, kinda eh about it personally

this game is like an extra brother to me
ive been with it since mechanical bosses were the final bosses.
look how much he's grown

this game is one of my perfect rpgs

and yes the bugs are one of the reason why its perfect

this game is still relevant 2023, im not sure how but I guess that's proof how good this game is

personally oblivion is a tad bit better but this game has alot more content

hmm, im not sure about stardew valley's place among the many other farming sim rpgs in gaming history

yeah its definitely the uhh... whatever, its just another a good farming sim rpg 5 stars

i havent finished it but my little brother did which is kinda crazy because he borrowed my copy

he said this a rhythm game


this game is dominating the aesthetic-sphere rn

personally, the rpg elements are meh but I think it captures the vibe of being an angsty teen in a suburban setting basically spot-on and presents itself in a really novel way which is sick


um, it's just another roguelike personally

maybe im not that crazy about greek mythology or this game's domination of videogame discourse is clouding my review

this game is literally the unconscious mind given form

peak arthouse game

what a rollercoaster of emotion - i ended up not getting enough hearts to propose to cecilia with the blue feather but the fact that the game makes it so you get proposed to at the end as a result is such a goated game design choice.

too bad she divorced me because all I did was fish and walk around instead of the farming stuff. and I died alone, dreaming in my death that I was reunited with my wife and kid in heaven - also my first farming sim rpg and is the reason I love this genre