Everything about this game is beautiful and interesting but the gameplay is such a filter its crazy

this shit is peak gba rpg

novel combat system and mucho game content, visual novel elements and anime characters


this game is dominating the aesthetic-sphere rn

personally, the rpg elements are meh but I think it captures the vibe of being an angsty teen in a suburban setting basically spot-on and presents itself in a really novel way which is sick

not my genre but its so good it pulls everyone into it

my first souls game, wish I could play it blind all over again

can't even recall how many times I replayed this as a kid (at least 3), quintessential Pokemon game

the rainbow tools planted voices inside my head

this game is so funny, i swear i will finish this one day

my first ever rune factory game

holy shit I sucked at this game when I was a kid, I spent 2 whole ingame years talking to Cinnamon and not being aware you had to give gifts to get anywhere

I will replay eventually

this beautiful game made me love shoot em ups

this may be the most perfected farming sim rpg formula game in existence

or maybe kuruna just got me thinking funny