Wished they made it just as it is... rather than wasting time altering things that shouldn't be altered at all

The moment I heard that the protagonist voiced by Kazuya Nakai which is Zoro's voice actor I played the game immediately and thank god I did! it was one of a kind!
the only enhancement that I wish they do if they are gonna make on another one is Japanese mini games and Katanas should have status not just a skin

Played for like 20 hours and didn't like it at all

Had fun for the whole game
Characters, locations, story and conversations!
but as usual you can easily discover bugs xD

This game has exceeded everything possible out there for its time and for now too!
Superb Narrative
Outstanding Gameplay
Remarkable Character Design
Astonishing OSTs

Loved how they linked the past to this!

Glad they made another one and wish for a third!

Noisy as hell that I complete it on mute

Half a star for changing my beloved dialogues and Alucard voice -.- all my hype shut down the moment I didn't hear "Die monster you don't belong in this world"

For me this game did a good job living its kind era delivering beauty from the past to blast the present!

If you want to have fun and drift at ease go for it
the only drawback I found was, there weren't any Toyota cars at all

It would be way better if they focused on Fighting styles balancing a little bit! You have 4 styles but only use one because others are useless!

Knowing that this game is developed by Ryu Ga Gotoku is enough for me to play it so... I played it with absolute "Zero" expectations and....

When I finished it I felt like... just as if I lost someone very dear to me, I swayed for 2 weeks to regain

Hope they make a 3rd one because the 2nd was good but couldn't compete with the first at all

Can't find the right words to express but let's simply say that they learned from all their mistakes and made something I wish if it was longer...

Such a game for such anime would leave a huge room for a good game but sadly this one was a game that you would beat and leave forever, even if you want to play online I couldn't find anyone to play with and what the game do is just put you against bots which is good if you want to platinum the game