As frustrating as a lot of elements were, the actual shooting was interesting and the jetpack was fun. A medium well recommendation even with the incredibly anti-climatic last level

Despite being a pretty textbook open world game I was totally raptured by the ending and loved all the characters.

This is the first JRPG I've really adored since Shadowbringers?

The story is a little anemic but interesing, yet maybe my favorite combat I've ever played in a turn based game.

I love it so cute and pretty funny

The stuff that's good about yakuza is still there but the story is about as rehashed and filler ridden as its ever been and the JRPG elements are shallow to the point of a formality.

Like Ratchet and Clank on Roguelike crack

cool ideas, torture to play

Great, but too frustrating for me

Minigames are fun, but a bit too much grind

It's not bad but it doesn't feel like the natural upgrade of PS01 that PSPortable did. It just feels like an anime f2p game with some of the ugliest NPCs you'll ever see


believe the hype

Update after finally beating it: It's really, really that good, THPS2 good.


It's ok I'm not really a cat person

Possibly the best character action game ever, definitely the least embarrassing metal gear to show normal people.

Possibly the best beat-em up ever.