32 reviews liked by _RANDALL_

This game is way too grindy. While most F2P games nowadays you can play 15-30 minutes a day, this one will have you play for hours if you don't want to fall behind.

The entire system is based around the weapons that you pull, and then you spend hours levelling up to the point of becoming usable. But every week there's a new event in which you'll have to discard the previous build and start over. The event weapons are almost all complete trash, in general they only give you good base stats, if you want to get the really strong abilities you got to depend on luck of pulling several of the same weapon, or spend a lot of cash.

The materia system is also really bad, to get a really low chance of getting good materia you'll have to spend rare materials that were only given away in one event so far, and even then the stats they give you are random and you could end up with something of high rarity but that is weaker than the cheaper stuff you made.

Though, all of this is not really as bad as the fact they recently released a boss that is not beatable unless you spent thousands in real cash. There's no indication if this going to be the norm from now on, and if they will rerelease the event in the future when regulars players are strong enough to beat it.

As it stands, not even being a huge fan is enough to keep me playing. The extra prequel story they're releasing is also not good enough either to keep me interested. Ever Crisis is an unfortunate blemish on FFVII's history.

Es el mejor Final Fantasy. Que la estética de cuento, el humor, personajes que parecen estúpidos y el colorido no os engañe. Es un juego que trata temas como la pertenencia a un grupo, la identidad propia, las dudas sobre si se estará a la altura de lo que esperan de ti y muchos temas por el estilo. Además, a contrario que muchos JRPG, las fases de farmeo son mínimas, y mientras que no te saltes ningún combate aleatorio, muy poco tendrás que entrenar a tus personajes. Y si, tiene cosas como el juego de cartas que nunca se explica bien del todo y es un poco mierda, o algunas quest secundarias que son simplemente estúpidas, como esa que te pide hacer una speedrun para obtener el mejor arma de Steiner. Pero eso son cosas del juego original de hace más de 20 años, no se pueden eliminar.

En cuándo a la remasterización, lo mejor que tiene son opciones para que no salgan monstruos, para que tus personajes hagan el máximo daño posible, y otras cosas para facilitar la experiencia de aquellas personas que solo quieren ver la historia y nada más, lo cual me parece genial. Yo mismo he usado a veces el combate automático (solo ataca, no hace ninguna habilidad) cuándo estaba cansado y no quería pensar durante un rato, pero quería ir más fuerte a la siguiente zona. La parte negativa serían dos. Por un lado, para quitar el juego no vale con meterte en el menú. Debes meterte donde está el equipo, objetos, y configuración, bajar hasta el fondo, darle a "Adaptar", bajar hasta el fondo, y ahí ya sale "Salir del juego" Un poco coñazo, para ser sincero. El otro sería que los créditos van a trompicones. No entiendo como eso puede llegar a la versión final de un juego, pero es un poco molesto, sobre todo cuándo está sonando tan bella canción de fondo (la mejor de toda la saga).

Un comienzo espectacular seguido de un yermo aburrido y anodino que solo remonta en los combates más épicos y grandilocuentes que se han podido hacer en los últimos años. Es una pena que todo lo que se salga de ahí termine siendo tan hostigante, que los personajes, en general, sean tan sosos y planos y que la emoción para con los mismos esté tan contenido. El combate es mucho más divertido cuantas más herramientas vas desbloqueando, pero la sencillez de su dificultad no ayuda mucho. Para el tramo final, tan largo y reiterativo, solo tengo palabras negativas.

Una pena que se desinfle todo de tan mala manera.

I am a pretty big adventure time fan and for the first 2 investigations I was finding this game pretty fun, but towards the end I was getting pretty bored but just finished it for the sake of it. I thought the combat sucked and I understand it isn't a combat focused game, but it felt pointless and I literally did some of it with my eyes closed just to see if I could. The world of Ooo is always cool and being able to explore iconic locations like the treehouse and the candy kingdom was fun for a bit. The voice acting was good as expected with all the original cast returning.

Es... ¿raro? No me parece que sea la mejor conclusión posible a la saga de Dusk, e incluso me parece el peor tanto jugablemente como en personajes. La falta de cosas como los Wholesale le sientan fatal y la posición de algunos botones en combate (te miro a ti, X) es más incomoda que otra cosa. Toda la idea de Life Tasks es muy buena (aunque planteada regular) y quitar el limite del tiempo es algo que francamente se agradece. Espero que la trilogía de Mysterious lime las asperezas, porque se nota mucho que es un título de transición.

I’m giving it a solid 3 stars but I’ll be honest and say I dropped it. While I love Digimon and the story was interesting it all was just too tedious. The first annoyance was it’s awful mission tracking, barely giving you any detail on your current and where you’re supposed to be or who you need to talk too, so good luck if you have to put it down for a couple of days and forget where you were. Then the long character conversations started to weigh on me, with a ton of needless conversations to slog through. But the nail in the coffin was the evolution design. A Digimon game should be about collecting Digimon and digivolving them into cooler stronger Digimon. Straight forward, right? Not in Cyber Sleuth. Not only do you have to raise CAM through battles but you also have the incredibly stupid AGI that you de-digivolve to obtain, where 1 battle with equal 1 ABI point, and the higher evolutions require insane amounts of ABI. It all just became too tedious and started feeling like a chore to play through.

The writing was REALLY corny but I can't help but feel inspiration was taken from old teenage books like Looking For Alaska, and it gives me a feeling of nostalgia for my teenage years. It's flawed, but I love it

Pretty cool flawed gem of a game. The horror tone isn't scary at all but it's rarely ever seen in jrpgs so it felt quite fresh. The party is interesting but Margarete and Keith don't feel like they have enough of a stake in the fight compared to Yuri, Alice and Halley. Besides bosses, the fights are pretty simple and repetitive with long animations thankfully mitigated by emulation speedup. The ring system thankfully keeps battles more involved and interesting but having to use them for items and some story segments is a bit much. The story isn't great or anything but the tone and likable characters did a good enough job of keeping me invested. The presentation of the game could've used a bit more work. It's difficult for the cutscenes to have impact when they're mostly low quality 3D models jarringly imposed on a 2D background doing very simple animations. The music is also very unique for a jrpg and fits the tone well.

this game is actually really cool but there are a lot of missed opportunities
then again it's an early ps2 game with less of a budget than persona 3 so it gets a pass
I like how you travel the world and all, gives for new fresh enviroments
would have been better if they actually based them off of real locations in the world
also the first half of the game is really fucking boring i dropped it like twice
but it's worth it for the second, surprising how they did a 180 and made the story interesting
the characters are a wonderful bunch too, i like the way they interact with each other (looking at yuri and zhuzhen👀)
gameplay is unique and cool af too, focuses on your timing which can make for some pretty intense sessions sometimes
anyways people been saying covenant is peak rpg gameplay so i'll take their word for it and i hope they are right

It's a great game with great characters and story, fun and challenging gameplay and great themes and style, however it goes the mediocre way at times, dealing with real themes in really stupid ways and dumbing down some of it's plot points with generic anime tropes, I wish it could be better but it is what it is, still love it though.