20 reviews liked by _Rocket_

The S in Leon S. Kennedy stands for "Shit, what an awful first day"

I adore the story
I adore the pacing
I adore the action
I adore the combat
I adore the sound design
I adore the gore and violence
I adore it's improvements over the prequel's concepts
I adore the emotional weight
I adore the cast of characters
I adore the main character
I adore the psychological horror
I adore the execution
I adore the aesthetics
I adore the parallels between this game and it's prequel
I adore the message of optimism it's giving to the player
And I adore the themes of coping with loss and grief

Dead Space 2 is a masterpiece, it has a big place in my heart and it'll always be one of my favorite horror games of all time

Portuguese & English review

Simplesmente brutal, o survival horror mais humano possível de sempre, Manhunt 2 vai além da violência pelo qual é conhecido, o primeiro Manhunt digamos que é só pela atmosfera, não entrega bem uma mensagem, mas sim um tema forte que são os filmes snuff, já o segundo traz problemas mais reais, o Danny representa traumas e esquizofernia que o fazem agir assim, ao desenrolar da história vamos percebendo o seu passado e objetivo. Eu dei o true ending logo na minha gameplay já que dar o Bad ending é bem mais dificil do que dar o true ending. O final é o mais satisfatório possivel
- Spoiler do final e comentário critico sobre a fase

O final em termos de história, é simplesmente perfeito, mas gameplay wise tem um ou outro segmento mais chato, no entanto carregar o cadáver da falecida esposa assasinada do Danny de novo para o túmulo para ele se esquecer dos traumas e voltar a ser quem é, é muito melhor do que uma boss fight estilo Piggsy

Engllish -
Simply brutal, the most human survival horror ever possible, Manhunt 2 goes beyond the violence for which it is known, the first Manhunt encompasses that it is only for the atmosphere, it does not deliver a message well, but rather a strong theme that is snuff films, The second brings more real problems, Danny represents traumas and schizophrenia that make him act like this, by revealing the story we will understand his past and objective. I gave the true ending right in my gameplay since giving the Bad ending is much more difficult than giving the true ending. The ending is as crushing as possible
- Spoiler for the ending and critical commentary on the level

The ending in terms of story is simply perfect, but the gameplay has one or two more boring segments, however, carrying the corpse of Danny's deceased murdered wife back to the grave so that he can forget about the traumas and return to who he is. , it's much better than a Piggsy-style boss fight

"Maybe life is like a ride on a freeway
Dodging bullets while you're trying to find your way"
-unnamed polymath

I know I'm not the only person caught unaware of how they made not only one, but TWO mainline sequels to the Crazy Taxi series. While they may not be fully souped-up reimaginings, Crazy Taxi 2 and 3 contain all of the content in the prior entry plus a little more, it's a little more apt to think of these as expansion packs. What this mercifully does is maintain the lean and mean purity of the breakout title and sprinkle in a handful more options and maps for just the right amount of variety and personalisation.

The most standout addition in these expansions for me is the jump button, it's wild how much this shakes up your approach to the West Coast you'd otherwise be nailed to the ground for. With the ability to scale buildings and a sense of mastery of the course, it's insanely satisfying to defy the will of the sat-nav and take batshit and overly-direct routes to a dropoff point. I particularly love pulling off a crazy boost and landing on top of a highrise in the middle of nowhere and finding that the developers had the foresight to put a hidden customer there as a little treat. This is kind of fucking amazing. Unfettered videogames. The moment I understand how the fuck you're supposed to pull off a Crazy Drift it's over for you all.

If ever you feel the meter calling, the PC version of the game is easily available in a simple google search. Be sure to use the CT3Tweaks fan patch that adds certain optimisations, greater framerate and resolution support. The soundtrack is kind of hilariously bad but it's all stored in the root folder as .ogg files and I'm sure it'll be no problem to customise yourself.



This is one of the greatest games ever made. The atmosphere is something between horror, thriller and action, perfectly blending those 3. The gameplay is possibly the best one you can get and the overall experience will make you love the game!



It's not just the trademark ripping and tearing -- it's the viscerality of even the quieter moments: shoving a severed head into an eye-scanner, prying a weapon from the cold dead fingers of a corpse, stomping carefully engineered relics of scientific ingenuity into dust, locking and twisting a beefy gun mod into place, brute-force heaving a hydraulic door open... These things are character development.

I missed these little touches SO BAD in Doom Eternal back when it came out, and wondered recently if it had colored my opinion of the gameplay too much. So, before revisiting it, I decided to complete my fourth playthrough of this, its predecessor, on the normal difficulty mode. (I did one Ultra-Violence clear back in 2018 and liked it, but to me the game really sings not when you feel vulnerable, but rather--more in accordance with the narrative--when you feel like a fucking unstoppable God).

I can barely think of one other game of this length that I've completed that many times. It's a little confounding even to me why I keep getting drawn back to it... the confidence of its simple story and world are a marvel to me, its buttery-smooth performance is a rapture, its design is ratcheted down so tight that even the tiniest flaws (one-too-many stupid Mancubi in a particular enemy hive, or the fact that you inevitably have to hunt down one stray imp to end every battle) couldn't be more glaring... but none of those qualities, or even their combination, is unique to DOOM.

What is unique to DOOM is its array of curious dichotomies. Its music blends metal seamlessly with hard techno; its world depicts the folkloric fires of hell against the frigid corridors of scientific and capitalist bloat and overreach; its game mechanics mix a surprising amount of platforming, of all things, in with the shooting (next to Respawn's endeavors, it's the best platforming in an FPS)...

And, it could not be more linear, yet it feels more open with gameplay possibility than many "Open World" games; each room a killing-puzzle that could be conquered countless satisfying ways with countless different dopamine-drenching weapon combos, pathway choices and tactics.

A violent reverie.

The Rockstar that made this game is sadly long dead.

Tested my patience and the strength of my desk

A grungy and terrific title - the gaming equivalent of satirical, violent-anti-violence movies such as Funny Games and Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer.
Rockstar need to go back to making smaller narrative thrillers like this and Max Payne.