Cinematic only as peak Rockstar could do. Much as Max Payne is inspired by John Woo and GTA Vice City was by Scarface, Manhunt is clearly inspired by the gritty horror movies like Texas Chainsaw and the New French Extremity movement (which at the time was starting to find it's footing), and wears it like a glove throughout. Some of the best stealth gameplay you can find for this era, also gets brutally hard in the final stretch. Takes a bit for the story to get going, but once it does, it's a smart relentless reverse-slasher, a self-statement on violence in media and a gritty horror-crime thriller with a brilliant musical score, although more story on it's bones would have been recommended. Heard 2 has more story, so can't wait to get around to that soon


Shoutout to my great-grandma for the recommendation

I'm still amazed at how this game manages to be both a chilling horror cinematic and a exciting third person shooter, and does them both near to perfection. The most immersive game I've ever played, and the combat is super satisfying while also keeping you on your toes due to super clever enemy spawn design and atmospheric levels.

Absolute banger of a game, bring on DS 2!

Exhilarating. Pretty much a perfect sequel, improves on the original in pretty much every way (especially the gravity mechanics and level transitions), cranks the action and scares up to 11, while also telling a unique story that still feels in line with the series. There's not much to complain about here, horror action perfection in my eyes.

While far (and inferior) from the expertly mixed horror and action of 2, 3 is a pure breakneck pace horror action game that had some of the most fun I've had with a game all year. Haven't played the original, but as a standalone game for me it absolutely rips.

This game costs 20 bucks, plus a extra 60 for the enivitable smashed controller

I'm so conflicted which Manhunt game I like better, because on one hand, this one has better overall stealth gameplay, better graphics, better variety of weapons and stages, better immersion with the story, and depending on who you ask, better story, but I feel like this was a tiny step down in some ways, for instance the AI not being as polished, more focus on gunplay (which has never been the strong point in the first game). This one opts for more of a psychological vibe than the first game's outright "kill or be killed" nature, so it has some more variety story wise (especially in the beginning and the end, some of the most creative level based storytelling I've seen ever). Overall I would recommend them both for their great music and atmosphere, although I would prefer Manhunt 1.

Bad Resident Evil game? Sure.
Buggy at times? Sure.
Completely over the top? Sure.

Fun as hell? Absolutely.