A disappointing remake. The original PC version is a classic but this one falls short. Tedious gameplay, horrendous controls, lousy voice acting, etc although the game did have a cool mood and atmosphere. Started off interesting and pretty much lost interest by the 4th chapter. Stick with the original, you’re not missing much here…

I enjoyed the first Alan Wake but admittedly, I didn’t love it. This, however, exceeded my expectations by far. I’m blown away. A survival horror like no other, a true original. As long as you’re patient you’ll be greatly rewarded. The game can be very confusing and tedious due to all the puzzles, lack of direction and disjointed narrative at times. A real mind fuck of a game…surreal, nightmarish, brutal yet beautiful all at once. I loved it. Masterpiece.

A great entry for the LoF series. Graphics, visuals, gameplay, story is all done very well and I especially love how the game went back to the roots of the 1st one because I really didn’t care for LoF 2 for some reason. A very immersive and surreal experience. Recommended!

Another great entry for the FF series featuring an excellent atmosphere, intriguing story, eerie setting, etc with some of the clunkiest controls on earth unfortunately and because of this battle mode can be quite frustrating. The game really has so much going for it but has its mechanical flaws and because of this the game feels like a chore to get through at times. For some reason I actually enjoyed ‘Maiden of Black Water’ a little more than this. Still worth a play though if you’re a fan of the FF series…..

An enjoyable survival horror with flaws. Controls are extremely clunky, terrible voice acting and characters, inventory menu is weird and hard to get used to, an okay story but overall it was fun, pretty much a low grade hybrid of RE2, 3 and 4. Survival horror fans will enjoy it but Tormented Souls is the better homage.

An absolute masterpiece. IMO I thought it was harder than Bloodborne and DS3 for the most part. Finally took out Radagon/Elden Beast tonight….still cannot beat Malenia though lol 💀🔫

Nostalgic survival horror featuring some serious RE1/SH1 vibes (they even referenced the ink ribbon in one of the rooms..). The game really isn’t made that well and there are some serious glitches but I still got through it alright. Despite the flawed gameplay, the game has a great occult atmosphere, challenging puzzles, tough boss fights…..I’m kind of a sucker for these games that take you right back to the mid/late 90’s. Recommended for the die hard/old school survival horror fans only.

Enjoyable game w/a good premise and an excellent atmosphere but honestly, it felt like more of an action game to me than a survival horror. Also, the combat became rather tedious after a while, felt like kind of a chore to get through at times. Overall, pretty overrated but still an above average game.

Another cool indie survival horror w/ a super eerie atmosphere and premise. If you're a fan of Visage, Outlast, and/or Layers of Fear then it's definitely worth checking out, although the game is just too damn short.

Nice little survival horror here, despite the fact that it's super short, the game is filled with a great atmosphere, good scares, and a brooding dark ambient score. The story was cool but could have been more elaborate. Been pretty impressed with Wales Interactive so far.