This is the one to play, the others in the franchise are cool if you are playing them before/after this but without Borderlands 2 the franchise wouldn't be worth the time to play.

fun game, liked the story, I think i'd recommend it for anyone who values verticality in first person games.

I watched my wife 100% complete this game. it's artistically fantastic and probably one of the better games sony got their hands on.

this game didn't work well on the PC and so I got a PS4 and played this as a tie in. looked great and I was really impressed, then my wife said its not as good as the older ones and this game got buried with bad reviews. I think the tank car is cool but I can see where this isn't as good as the older ones, go for those first.

This is the best tomb raider and it reignited my love of this franchise from when I was a kid playing TR on PC. I've got to say I like this story more than the sequels and while the gameplay is least refined it felt true to the character.

fun for a bit, probably fun with friends, only really ever did solo.

The story segments are cool although some stories aren't as good as others. I enjoyed the game but I like this developer and their work on Octopath I/II. That being said this stylistically is really good.

I don't even remember this game.

story mode is just a movie no gameplay. good movie but forgettable. gameplay is sick.

Was quite the experience when it came out, best game in the series. The world is super cool and the designs of the factions are super unique and full of flavor. also super outdated.

Was quite the experience when it came out. the world is super cool and the designs of the factions are super unique and full of flavor. also outdated. I used to think the two disk setup was super cool back in the day, now not so much.

The definition of doesn't play well. I think there may have been a good game here but I wouldn't know how to get to it, I think this game has no tutorial either that or its just buggy as hell.

The final chapter is awsome and hard to beat couldn't beat the final boss after all that hard work, will have to play through every single game to get back to this point on the switch and kill her. game is worth your time despite being super out of date. also some of the ground textures are literally pictures of coffee beans.

When you get your games at half priced books, this game is fire, but really its nothing to write home about. interesting concept considering how our society views lion hunting though.

Its crazy what a making a character move slower can do to a game, this is so much worse than platinum.