Got far in the story but the story got boring.

I've always loved spiderman and spiderman games, but this is just a by the numbers game. it plays well and I definitly enjoyed parts, but most of it is forgettable ubisoft era content.

there were some bugs I experienced in this game, not really any more than other PC games but I had an SLI 1080ti build at the time and I think thats why I got a good experience. considering that the replay-ability was cut I never got through a second play-through. the mods breathed new life into the game but i'm lazy.

Used a guide. you should use a guide. Grinding makes these games easy. This game is easy. except for that dragon riding boss he was hard and also super cool. game is fire.

I didn't own this game when I first beat it, My good friend had it and I lived at his house for a while and that is how I beat it. Its crazy how you can escape into a game like this.

Looks awesome, plays great. This is the standard graphics options I've come to expect from Capcom, when they deliver the game is fantastic. The game is a stable on crazy settings and is a anxiety ridden experience. only negatives come from how key design choices are unappealing to me specifically. Its one of those games that when you beat it you have to play it again from the other character's perspective to get a full game. I feel like that doesn't respect the players time, I'd rather get half the story. Pick the character you like better and feel free to not play the other after you beat it.

This game was a sleeper hit, and definitely worth touching if you can stomach the issues you'll run into playing this game. its just not that stable in 2023. Story wasn't very memorable and the gameplay wasn't the best but if you want to jam out to cage the elephant then its a must play.

I don't get what people see in this game. Its game play is clunky and the story is boring and feels dragged out. The setting is cool for sure and the surrounding media (books show) are dope but the game itself feels like a jack of all trades master of none. If you're looking for a single game to haphazardly scratch itches this may hit the spot but really there are games that have better focus, this feels like the every man's game.

This game is boss. multiplayer required. someone stole my copy, can i "borow" yours?

too brutal, too confusing mechanistically.

fun multiplayer game, couldn't do this solo for more than 4 hours.

This game is cool, my edgy side want's to say its amazing but realistically the gameplay here is arcane, and while it sucks to try and beat any of the zelda games from this era without a guide but doubly so for this one since it kinda feels like your playing a demo game.

I got over 100 shiny Pokemon in this game, I really liked it. I don't get why people dog these games Pokemon is alive and well in 2023 and this game was one hell of an experience.

I had fun playing this game but its really just an excuse to talk to friends, you can play more modern alternatives these days.

Was quite the experience when it came out. the world is super cool and the designs of the factions are super unique and full of flavor. also outdated. I used to think the two disk setup was super cool back in the day, now not so much.