Game is fire, peak Pokemon franchise, but I will say I spent more time in platinum as I phased out the hobby for a bit after this game, but by far an allstar game that kept me around longer than necessary.

Its crazy what a making a character move slower can do to a game, this is so much worse than platinum.

Its crazy what a making a character move slower can do to a game, this is so much worse than platinum.

This game is fire, saved generation 4 and then some. definitely better than emerald and on par with crystal, but preceding Soul Silver and Heart Gold was meant its glory would be cut short.

I had a friend from Taiwan bring me a copy of this game before localization in America because I was just so into pokemon. Worst decision ever, I didn't understand anything and abandoned this game and the franchise for 5 years.

I rushed through this game and had a great experience all told maybe 15 hours, but I got to say I didn't see the appeal to live in this game for 100s of hours like platinum era.

there were some bugs I experienced in this game, not really any more than other PC games but I had an SLI 1080ti build at the time and I think thats why I got a good experience. considering that the replay-ability was cut I never got through a second play-through. the mods breathed new life into the game but i'm lazy.

Fun family experience. puzzle games are cool, this is something to do nothing to write home about.

cute game fun to screw around it and my wife like it.

Feels like a Donkey Kong game, one that can be recommended, some parts are forgettable but its fun.

I got this game twice just to play with friends you punched my face in and then left to go to dinner with their wives. now its gathering dust.

Looks awesome, plays great. This is the standard graphics options I've come to expect from Capcom, when they deliver the game is fantastic. The game is a stable on crazy settings and is a anxiety ridden experience. only negatives come from how key design choices are unappealing to me specifically. Its one of those games that when you beat it you have to play it again from the other character's perspective to get a full game. I feel like that doesn't respect the players time, I'd rather get half the story. Pick the character you like better and feel free to not play the other after you beat it.

I was so happy to buy this game, got the steel book edition since I knew my wife liked the normal edition on ps4, with it being 120 hours worth of play time and a dating sim I'll likely leave it on the backlog until my unborn son is old enough to beat it for me.

This game is fun as a party/family game, did a bit of the story but didn't care for it too much.