Definitly a cool strategy game, however it was way too over my soft 8 year old head I think I only ever got to the second level and I hated how many of my people died.

I think there is very little difference between rainbow six and this game but i'm unsure, thats how forgettable this game was, just play the 1998 version first as its the better game.

Play with mods on nexus mod manager, it will breath new life into this game.

I liked this game for the soundtrack, I do like sonic but this game is really only good in a vacuum.

This game's reputation precedes itself, its definitely a fun experience. modding it is so fun that you can forget to play it, and yet its probably the worst when compared to oblivion and morrowind, honestly its wild.

in consideration of how cool laura croft is this game gets a 1 without her this game is a zero. this is back in the era of gaming where someone who has already played the game has to tell you how to play it or you'll just run around a mansion for hours.

the ending isn't nearly as good as Bioshock, but the game play is pretty fun all the same.

Story: FIRE.
Pipe hacking: FIRE.
core gameplay: passable.
skills: cool.
visuals: outdated.

Timeless, this game is so fun, and this version is probably the best. still second rate to centipede. also this is on PC and I played that version.

Playing this game is an experience that will teach you that the human mind is capable of enjoying pretty much anything.
check it out for yourself.

Wife beat this she loves spyro and says this is meh.

Got this for the 3ds for about 6 dollars. really no sense playing this version just get tropical freeze on switch.

At times I tell myself this can't be the best zelda game as its missing X Y and Z, at other times I recognize it as a near perfect game, eventually I began to realize that being more of a 'zelda game' means being a worse game.

Its a thing for me but... I totally saved before the final boss haven't beaten it no matter how many times I tried and well game over for me.

Fun multiplayer experience to have with the wife.