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why is loewe alive

this delves into unique backstory of the man who killed my dad then fucked my sister in front of me. can't wait to see where his story goes

adol is so based
he goes to a random place for "adventure", solves their long running problems in one day while killing a god or two and causally leaves for even more adventure

fun story but the gameplay made me bald :-)

there is a murderer behind you

I abruptly get off my bed. I do fifty-seven push-ups and perform seventeen prayers in front of my Bird Lithe poster. As per usual, I wear my yellow and blue coloured outfit, Bird Lithe themed respectively. I open my computer, greeted as usual by my Bird Lithe themed wallpaper. I log on to discord. I call the filthy, lowly men slurs while i hit on several women at once imitating my hero Bird Lithe. I jump into the shower. The water dashes over my clothes furiously while i likewise, furiously knead the usual soap across my body (did you guess it's bird Lithe scented). I dash outside butt ass naked. I find myself falling into the usual existential crisis. Maybe Bird Lithe was the real me while I, myself was the fictional character? Perhaps he is already aware of my existence? What if i was only born to be a mere shadow of this character?

This novel is not worth it
- mind numbing slice of life with no intersting plots . Watch the robots , watch the nira , prepare food , move furniture , practice mecha fightss. This went on for 58 hours where i had to give up
- stupid high pitched voices for 90% of the girls . You will rip you ears off
- brain dead characters, unbelivable cartoonish
- two words sentences like on most of the screens which you have to advance by pressing the enter button repeatedly
- horrible voice acting
- horrible translation which looks auto generated
- censored
- absolutely idiotic skip read messages system where you have to keep pressing the "C" key . Sometimes it doesnt detect the read text and you have to slog through the same read text
- 99% of models reused from minute 1 to 20 hrs plus. I think they have like 40 panels in total
- did i said annoying voices for 90% of females who look 10 years old and with the intelligence of a squirrel

Avoid this novel if you want to preserve your sanity . I think i dropped my IQ a few points after these hours i spent on this drivel

If you want recommendation then play : I walk among zombies vol 1, 2 , Fate , Demonbae , Saya no Uta and Muv Luv
Even Muv Luv part 1 slice of life is miles above this padded trash


Full Metal Daemon Muramasa. This vn is complete trash. Almost fell asleep while reading it. And its crazy because i LOVE, i absolutely love the samurai setting. But this one. This is how you don't do a samurai series. This is just garbage. The characters are boring and have no depth whatsoever. The fights are repetitive and like any chuunige. The dialogue is cheesy and it's been on high for it is for I don't know how long now because even the creator is bored of this garbage. The only reason people hype this trash up so much and think its good is because of the art. If this series did not have the art that it had nobody would care about this series. And if we're being honest, if we're being completely honest and spitting facts as we always do, the art in Muramasa is not even that good, its mediocre at best. I've seen way better visual novels with way better art than Muramasa. This series is just so bad and anyone who likes it is clearly just doing so because it's popular. It's one of those vns that people only like so they can seem like they have great taste. Every vn list, every top ten vns or something, you GOTTA include Muramasa because if you don't include Muramasa its just like "OOH you just don't have good taste for Nanahara kamige." No. It's the opposite. Including Muramasa in one of your top ten or one of your favourite vns proves you're a fraud.

final fantasy skyrim 😮👆👆

sometimes you just gotta say "i'm gonna k*ll myself" and move on ......