This game is one of the best games I have ever played. The amazing story, great graphics at the time, and so much more make it one of the best JRPG's ever made, in my opinion. The only thing that I dislike is the huge difficulty gap from the normal worlds to the end. Other than that, its perfect.

A masterpiece, great work from Santa Monica in making this game; it's an amazing game and one of the best reboots, in my opinion.

A masterpiece, from its combat to its gameplay and everything from what I think, its perfect. I encourage everyone to try to step into the complex games which is the Kingdom Hearts series.

Very unsure if I should give this game the best game spot, but I admire games with this creativity. TLOZ:BOTW was always the best game on Switch by Nintendo, after this released it not only improved on some aspects but included the creative mechanics which made me enjoy this game a lot.

I do not recall much of this game, but what I can recall is how perfect this game is, one of the main reasons for purchasing a switch was for TLOZ : BOTW, one of the most beautiful and fun games to play even on such a demanding console. I wish this game was longer at parts because I could never stop playing this game.

The beginning of a series, this game in my opinion aged very poorly. I did not enjoy the combat, some gameplay aspects and the story as a bit weird. I am glad they improved later on but this wasn't something I enjoyed. The reason I give 2 stars and a half is for starting a series that is so beloved by its fans.

This rating is heavily because of nostalgia but still this game is one or the best remakes in the Pokémon series, I find this to be my favorite Pokémon game and no game can overtake it for now, its a very fun game with a great region and I enjoyed every bit of it.

The first mindblowing 3D Mario game, for some reason I don't seem to enjoy this game. I disliked the camera heavily and found that I used guides a lot than try to learn my way and enjoy it. I sometimes forced myself to play it but I found many stuff about the game fun but not entirely.

This game is a good introduction to the series but was very short, I feel like the game lacked in some spots but its a beginning to a great franchise.

It's a meh WarioWare game with similar microgames to each other and very finicky with its camera, sometimes unplayable because of it, but enjoyed the jokes and some microgames were creative.

I enjoyed the fact it was a new idea to the Pokémon formula, this game had aspects that were very enjoyable. The time I played the game it was buggy but the developers are hard at work fixing them.

This was a really fun game to play with my friends, but felt like it was too overwhelming, pretty short in my opinion and the AI was horrendous. I feel like it can be improved on in the future but I feel like there is some potiential.

I enjoyed this quick game which utilized many of the concepts in the DS like the microphone, and many other stuff which made the game very fun.

This game is a really fun time waster and has really creative puzzles, I recommend this to people who are bored to try and play some of the Boxboy! games or the series, the only problem with it is that some puzzles were very out of the box or the game does not teach you about this and its not perfect, its just good.

I've played this game in all 3 platforms and wasn't able to continue and complete it in any, one of my favourite games but held back by the lazy developers, its awfully buggy and crashes all the time but I love the game the way it is, its really funny, it has great story and the different storylines make you enjoy the game a lot. I wish it got a remake/remaster.